Saturday, December 28, 2019

Civil War Redux: Coda


Lincoln ended his First Inaugural with words that always move me, deeply.  Move me most, knowing
that those whom Lincoln addressed arrogantly refused to hear and heed his words.

"Conservative" ideology has filled many Christians' hearts with fear and hatred toward their brothers;
which is always satan's purpose in his "doctrines of demons" (I Timothy 4:1).  The words I'd most wish
today's deceived "conservatives" would hear, and heed:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained
it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every
battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will
yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better
angels of our nature."


Friday, December 27, 2019

Civil War Redux II


Tony Horwitz' Spying on the South also quotes Lincoln's advice to Southerners in his 1861 First Inaugural:

Before entering on so grave a matter as the destruction of our national fabric, would it not be wise
to ascertain precisely why we do it ?  Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility
that any portion of the ills you fly from have no real existence ?”  (p. 397)

I hope Lincoln's words would resonate deeply with Americans today . . . much deeper, hopefully, than they did
with Southerners of 1861.

Arrogant haters of authority always embrace unreality: they must always assert what our current rulers call
"alternative facts," must always avow like they do that "Truth is not truth."  In this they manifest that they
are "sons of the devil" (as Jesus called them in John 8:44).  Like satan, those who deny God's Primacy must
needs deny God's creation, and His Rule, of all that exists.

Deluded "Christian conservatives" who follow these liars should discern that rejection of reality is rejection
of the One Who created it.  Discern most of all that these liars reject the One through Whom " . . . all things
came into being . . . and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being" (John 1:3).  That
the liars reject Him Who said " . . . I AM . . . The Truth . . ." (John 14:6)

It is no accident that climate-change skeptics, holocaust-deniers, white-supremacists, and the conspiracy-
minded flock to the ranks of "conservatives," who embrace unreality . . . that is, unTruth.  It is no accident
that the Great Leader they revere is distinguished above all else by his arrogance and his lies.

Too many who call themselves "Christians" also join in lock-step with that Great Leader: join in fearing and
hating the "deep state" he claims opposes him, join in despising the "elites" (middle-class people of ability
who excell by education and hard work) who oppose him, join him in hating and fearing the "liberals" who
oppose him.  Join him, indeed, in fearing and hating everyone who opposes any of his delusions.

"Conservative Christians" have proof, of course, that the current Leader's enemies are their enemies.  Aren't
Christians, after all, the real target of the supposed "War on Christmas" ?  Haven't we seen Christians perse-
cuted by that city-council telling a baker he could not refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding ?  Isn't every
judge's decision not predicated on "conservative" ideology a threat to Christians' religious freedom ?

Lincoln's advice should still be heeded by all those so enmired in unreality that they (like their Great Leader)
wish for a "new Civil War."  Today's "conservatives," like those of 1861, should step out of their partisan mind-
set long enough to consider rationally the " . . . possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from have no
real existence ?"



Thursday, December 26, 2019

Civil War Redux


William Faulkner, arguably the greatest Southern writer, said of the Civil War's place in America's
psyche, "The past isn't dead - it's not even past."

All Americans revere rebellion: it was sanctified to us when our "founding fathers" made us a nation
by rebelling against their rightful ruler.  Quite illogically, they also wished to confer on their new nation
an ideal of unity: "E Pluribus Unum."  But Southerners in 1861 showed that rebellion is inherently, des-
tructively, the enemy of unity.

George Santayana's famous quotation (slightly paraphrased here) was that "Those who do not learn
from history are doomed to repeat it."  Poor America !  We have not learned from our Civil War history
 . . . and it's not even past for us today.

One thing we still haven't learned is that rebellion and unity are not ultimately political principles.  Our
perceptive brother-in-Christ Tim in Australia put that truth as straight as it's ever been stated: "Politics
is not really about politics."

America's tragedy in the Civil War is our tragedy today; that so very few of America's (self-proclaimed)
"Bible-believing" Christians understand that God deems rebelliousness and unity spiritual principles,
and says a great deal about both in scripture.  For anyone who honestly believes scripture, God declares
the consequences of rebelliousness are destruction and death: as the South (especially, but not solely)
should have learned in the Civil War.  Unity is the work of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus prayed for all His
followers (John 17:20-21).  Perhaps even today's "Bible-believing" Christians can puzzle out which God
desires for us, and commends, and commands.

Nobody today misses the spirit of divisiveness in which we live, and the immense harm it has done, and
is doing, to America.  Anyone who knows anything about the Civil War should know that following the
spirit of divisiveness has painfully real consequences, and is the surest way any people can be made to
lay waste their own land, and murder their own brothers.

So It's disturbing that American "conservatives," who have long pursued political power by fomenting
division, are talking up a "new Civil War" on (those they choose to deem) their enemies: by which they
mean every American whose opinions differ from theirs in any point. 

Their faction's current Great Leader is a man after their own hearts, who has erected his political power
primarily on divisiveness, and violently attacks everyone who dares disagree with him.  It didn't start with
him, of course: "conservatives ' " demi-god founder, Ronald Reagan, legitimated rebellion against authority
. . . as a principle of government !! . . . in his proclamation that "Government is the problem !"  The current
president is only the most recent, and most autocraic, of Reagan's authority-hating brood.

And in recent months the current president (the greatest scholar ever, no doubt, of the lessons of American
history) has given his imprimatur (who needs a Vatican council to decide these things, when you're always
right, and have a Twitter acccount ?) to some of his followers' predictions of a "new Civil War."

So I was struck by another parallel between the divisive "conservatives" of the pre-Civil War South, and
those of our times, in a book I'm reading.  The author recently traveled across the South in the footsteps
of Frederick Law Olmsted, the famous designer of Central Park in New York, who made his trip in the mid-
1850s.  Olmsted intended to write a book about his experiences to help Northeners understand Southerners,
and show there was hope for reconciliation of the regions' differing views.

But by the time he'd finished traveling the South and wrote his book, Olmsted had come to see the regions'
world-views as impossible of reconciliation.

Though charmed by a Tennessee planter with whom he stayed, a classmate of his brother at Yale, Olmsted
quickly noted in the planter an anti-democratic spirit: a "devilish, undisguised . . . contempt for all humbler
classes," which arrogance seemed to distinguish all the slave-owners he met.  Contempt for "lesser" people
is still a hallmark of the "conservative" mindset: in which their revered Great Leader leads them, and leads
them all.

Talking with the planter and his slave-owning friends, Olmsted also found that they chose to dismiss Nor-
theners' opposition to slavery as "Yankee cant;" hypocritical pretense of moral principle.  Olmsted wrote
that they " . . . had no power of comprehending a hatred of Slavery in itself . . . and couldn't imagine that
the North would be governed by any purpose beyond a regard for self interest."  (quoted in Spying on the 
South: An  Odyssey Across the American Divide, by Tony Horwitz, pp. 84-5).

It's a view "conservatives" still hold today about their "enemies," anyone who claims the current president
ever did any wrong, the way Northeners claimed slavery was wrong.  Today's "conservatives" are as dismis-
sive of moral claims as were the "conservatives" of Olmsted's time.  And as ready to impugn the honesty
of those who raise moral objections, either from national ideals, or the Bible.  "Conservatives" still believe
that their "enemies' " motivations are base political self-interest . . like their own: and that their "enemies"
should be most hated for hypocritically pretending otherwise.

My late best friend, Mike Baker, told me about a conversation with his father during Watergate. Mike had
opined that it would be good if Nixon was removed from office.  Doesn't matter one way or the other, his
dad told him: everybody in public office is only there to line their own pockets.

"You don't know that's true," Mike said.  Of course I do, his dad replied, with this crushing logic:  "If I was,
I would."

The spiritual blindness that enslaves evil-doers is that they choose, and ultimately become unable, to
conceive any moral purpose higher than their own exists . . . for anyone.  Their arrogance that "no one's
better than me" issues in their belief that everyone is therefore as self-seeking as they themselves are...
and contempt for everyone they imagine is just as evil as they know they are.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Persecution and Persecutors


The current president, as usual, responded to Christianity Today's defection from the ranks of his
his admirers with vicious angry tweets.

At this point, he can only murder his enemies with words: though Jesus says his words are murder
(Matthew 5:21-2).  At this point, his toadies in the Senate are arguing, but have not yet legislated,
the principle that he can do anything he wants.  But it's easy to see they would not be averse to
making that the basis of American government.

It's easy to see too that all his party, his appointees, and his voters would be, to-a-man, amenable
to such a government.

I know some members of his "Evangelical base."  And it's always been amazing to me that most of
them believe that their political faction...even when it held the Presidency, both houses of Congress,
and the Supreme Court simultaneously...was somehow a downtrodden "minority," surrounded by and
under attack from their "liberal" enemies.

Their political self-image as heroic victims plays into the "Evangelical's " proud self-image as Christ's
truest followers, and greatly persecuted for it.  Denied (in their telling) the "right" to not bake a cake
for a gay wedding, or install a replica of the Ten Commandments on a court-house lawn, or utter the
words "Merry Christmas" . . . are they not viciously persecuted for their faith ?

The Catholic Church calls "martyrs" those who are killed for the faith.  "Evangelicals" seem to have a
much-lower standard: anyone who feels their "rights" are the least infringed has "suffered for Christ."

Should the current president continue to live, it's not inconceivable that his Congressional toadies
might legislate the fully-autocratic principle of government he believes in, and that they want for
him.  If they did, the Supreme Court he has put in place could likely certify his autocracy as entirely

Should any such thing happen, in our day or ever, it's easy to see that the current president, or some
future one, would want (and undoubtedly be given) power greater than Twitter-threats to punish his
enemies: that is, everyone who did not say what he wants to hear, or do what he wants them to.

The dirty little secret of "Evangelicals' " politics is that in such circumstances (to which they have
shown themselves agreeable) they would be the only Christians immune to the measures of perse-
cution that might be set in place: arrest, torture, execution.  "Evangelicals" need not fear persecution:
autocrats only persecute those who dissent from their rule, and "Evangelicals' " track-record shows
they don't, and won't.

It worked that way in Nazi Germany.  Many German Christians remained silent about their rulers' evil
deeds: some even rejoiced at, or took part in, them.  The only German Christians persecuted under
Hitler were those who would not acquiesce in his evil.  If I understand scripture's prophecies, it will
work that way in the reign of anti-Christ, whose "Church" of acquiescent "Christians" will admire and
serve him.  Only those who cleave to Christ will feel his wrath

I have no specific vision of America's future, beyond the certainty of God's promise that He will utterly
destroy all evil-doers and those who follow them.  The certainty of God's promise should make us all
fear for our country's future: and fear even more for the future of the American Church.

I make no prophecy about the persecution of American Christians.  Only to say that those who vaunt
themselves Christ's truest followers, and martyrs for Him . . . while joining with men of lies in their
evil deeds . . . fatally deceive themselves.

The willing eagerness "Evangelicals" have shown to parrot, and believe, the current president's claim
of moral perfection; that he's "done nothing wrong;" evidences the spirit of Nazi Germany's "Christian"
murderers, and the spirit of Anti-Christ's "Church" that will persecute all who cleave to Christ.

Jesus said " . . . a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to
God"  (John 6:12).  Many of today's "Evangelicals" and their superstar "leaders" have joined in the
current president's wrath against Christianity Today.  They show themselves ready to visit his wrath
on every other Christian who will not acquiesce in his evil deeds, as they do.


"Christianity Today" Repents ('Bout Time)


How impressed should we be that Christianity Today, the self-professed flagship of “Evangelical
Christianity,” has finally published an opinion piece that the current president should be removed
from office, “by the Senate or by popular vote” ?

Not very.  The magazine failed to call out the man's 2015 claim to a “Christian” forum that he never
asked God’s forgiveness, and didn't need to since he’d never "done anything wrong," as the lie
I John 1:8 says it is . . . and the personal affront to God that I John 1:10 says it is.

But maybe the magazine never actually saw its purpose as applying scripture's standard to today's
society, events and culture in America.

If the magazine and its readers had any twinge of spiritual discernment about the man before last
week, they seem to have suppressed it.  Until a few days ago, they continued to approve and
support this president as he “doubled down” on his claim he "did nothing wrong," every time a moral
question was raised about any of his corrupt acts and vicious attacks on others.  (If the magazine had
seen its purpose as critiquing American culture by Christian standards, no doubt they'd have pointed
out that the latter, which is the current president's daily signature activity, is what Jesus defined as
“murder” in Matthew 5:21-22.)

What should impress us is that Christianity Today‘s ballyhooed “break” with the current president is
thefirst one by America's "Evangelical" establishment.  But perhaps we should also be impressed
that the writer can only bring himself to characterize the current president’s continual lies and murders
(which Jesus said reveal the  “sons of the devil:" John 8:44) as only “moral confusion.”

My approbation of that lone voice is also mitigated by the fact that the writer only dared speak out
when he was exiting his position as editor of Christianity Today.  We should certainly rejoice at the
"death-bed" conversion of any “Evangelical:” and we should certainly hope that his example will
encourage more “Evangelicals” to repent.

But death-bed conversions make doing “works meet for repentance” (Acts 26:20) problematic.
How can repentant Evangelicals…should there be a second…ever make even tiny amends for the
evils their moral misguidance has visited on the American Church; from which we (and our country)
are suffering today; and have suffered every day of the past few years, and will suffer for every day
of our future.
I’m skeptical this lone “Evangelical” writer understands repentance as anything more than changing
his opinion.  His professed hope that the current president will be removed by the same political 
system that visited him upon us seems misplaced faith; and (we already know from th statements
of the Republican senators who will judge if the president "did anything wrong") delusional hope. 

It would seem too a writer for Christianity Today should at least make some nod to Christianity's
teaching that God is our One Hope, our only Savior, in this political circumstance, as in every other.

Undoubtedly God can, and will when He chooses, save His people by working through the corrupt
political processes human beings have created for themselves, as the writer hopes.  But scanting
the possibility of God’s instrumentality in those processes, and trusting instead in those processes
themselves to enact righteous.judgement is a deeply counter-Christian faith.

For those of us whose hope is in God's Rule, I think we can trust that His will cannot be thwarted by
politicians.  His judgement of proud evil-doers and rebels is certain, and He will enact it by His Own
power, in His timing, as He chooses.  Those who boast of their own power and greatness are blind,
taking no thought that the very breath of their words is given them by God.

We can trust in God's promise that His enemies will be thrown down, and utterly destroyed.

We can praise Him that we will yet see His righteous rule glorified in all the earth !

Amen !!