Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thanks-giving 2020


Each year at this time we all sing a Dutch hymn the Pilgrims knew, and may have sung at America’s first thanksgiving.  Its opening verse is especially applicable for us this year:


"We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;

He chastens and hastens His will to make known;

The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing;

Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own."

This year, all Americans who have taken refuge in Him fervently praise Him for deliverance from the oppression of the wicked.

The last verse of the hymn also strongly resonates with me this year:

"We all do extol Thee, Thou Leader triumphant,
And pray that Thou still our Defender will be;
Let Thy congregation escape tribulation; 
Thy Name be ever praised !  O Lord, make us free !"


Jesus said "If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:31-32).

We who know and believe Jesus' words, know it is His unshakeable will that we continue in His word.  So we know that this song of petition is Jesus' Own desire for us...and that we will be free indeed.

Amen, Lord !  Thy will be done.