Tuesday, December 24, 2019

"Christianity Today" Repents ('Bout Time)


How impressed should we be that Christianity Today, the self-professed flagship of “Evangelical
Christianity,” has finally published an opinion piece that the current president should be removed
from office, “by the Senate or by popular vote” ?

Not very.  The magazine failed to call out the man's 2015 claim to a “Christian” forum that he never
asked God’s forgiveness, and didn't need to since he’d never "done anything wrong," as the lie
I John 1:8 says it is . . . and the personal affront to God that I John 1:10 says it is.

But maybe the magazine never actually saw its purpose as applying scripture's standard to today's
society, events and culture in America.

If the magazine and its readers had any twinge of spiritual discernment about the man before last
week, they seem to have suppressed it.  Until a few days ago, they continued to approve and
support this president as he “doubled down” on his claim he "did nothing wrong," every time a moral
question was raised about any of his corrupt acts and vicious attacks on others.  (If the magazine had
seen its purpose as critiquing American culture by Christian standards, no doubt they'd have pointed
out that the latter, which is the current president's daily signature activity, is what Jesus defined as
“murder” in Matthew 5:21-22.)

What should impress us is that Christianity Today‘s ballyhooed “break” with the current president is
thefirst one by America's "Evangelical" establishment.  But perhaps we should also be impressed
that the writer can only bring himself to characterize the current president’s continual lies and murders
(which Jesus said reveal the  “sons of the devil:" John 8:44) as only “moral confusion.”

My approbation of that lone voice is also mitigated by the fact that the writer only dared speak out
when he was exiting his position as editor of Christianity Today.  We should certainly rejoice at the
"death-bed" conversion of any “Evangelical:” and we should certainly hope that his example will
encourage more “Evangelicals” to repent.

But death-bed conversions make doing “works meet for repentance” (Acts 26:20) problematic.
How can repentant Evangelicals…should there be a second…ever make even tiny amends for the
evils their moral misguidance has visited on the American Church; from which we (and our country)
are suffering today; and have suffered every day of the past few years, and will suffer for every day
of our future.
I’m skeptical this lone “Evangelical” writer understands repentance as anything more than changing
his opinion.  His professed hope that the current president will be removed by the same political 
system that visited him upon us seems misplaced faith; and (we already know from th statements
of the Republican senators who will judge if the president "did anything wrong") delusional hope. 

It would seem too a writer for Christianity Today should at least make some nod to Christianity's
teaching that God is our One Hope, our only Savior, in this political circumstance, as in every other.

Undoubtedly God can, and will when He chooses, save His people by working through the corrupt
political processes human beings have created for themselves, as the writer hopes.  But scanting
the possibility of God’s instrumentality in those processes, and trusting instead in those processes
themselves to enact righteous.judgement is a deeply counter-Christian faith.

For those of us whose hope is in God's Rule, I think we can trust that His will cannot be thwarted by
politicians.  His judgement of proud evil-doers and rebels is certain, and He will enact it by His Own
power, in His timing, as He chooses.  Those who boast of their own power and greatness are blind,
taking no thought that the very breath of their words is given them by God.

We can trust in God's promise that His enemies will be thrown down, and utterly destroyed.

We can praise Him that we will yet see His righteous rule glorified in all the earth !

Amen !! 

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