Wednesday, December 13, 2017



This ideal of America is the hope of all mankind. That hope drew millions to this harbor. That hope still lights our way. And the light shines in the darkness. And the darkness will not overcome it.

--  George W. Bush, 9/11 anniversary speech at the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, 11 September 2002


 I was riding with my then-pastor the morning of 12 September 2002.  We were listening to N.P.R.'s "Morning Edition," which played a clip of Bush's speech on the previous day.  When I heard his above words, I could only gasp, "That's blasphemy !!"

I haven't changed my mind.

Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.  It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him.  It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.

--  Omarosa Manigault, former "Apprentice" contestant whom Donald Trump appointed Director of Communications for the Office of Public Liaison (a position someone characterized as "head cheerleader").


In its simplest terms, blasphemy is when anyone equates something else with God.

Both the above speakers blaspheme Christ, by ascribing His attributes to something or someone else.  George W., by proclaiming that the "ideal of America" is the light of the world, which is not overcome by darkness.  Omarosa, by saying Donald Trump is "the most powerful man in the universe," to whom even his enemies will have to "bow down."

Both the above speakers claim to be followers of Jesus.  They surely know the scriptures that say Jesus is the Light of the World, and that every knee will bow to Jesus.

"Christian" blasphemers surely know what they do.  They presumably also know God's judgement on blasphemers.


Alabama Election Results


We've heard a lot of interpretations this morning of Alabama's election results.  It's one I've been paying rather more attention to than most, because one candidate was Roy Moore.

Moore has been on my radar for some time, for his belligerently rebellious "Christian" stances, which served him well  in the politics of overwhelmingly-Republican Alabama.  He was twice removed as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court for disobeying federal law: once for refusing to remove a marble tablet of the Ten Commandments from the lobby of the Alabama Judicial Building where he presided, and once for directing Alabama's judges to continue enforcing state laws against same-sex marriage which a Supreme Court decision had ruled were unconstitutional.

Alabamans seem to have revered Moore for thumbing his nose at the federal government and "liberals" in those high-profile cases.  In the recent election, however, allegations came out that Moore had a history of sexual liaisons with teen-age girls when he was a 30-something prosecuting attorney, over 30 years ago.

Moore's defenses were the usual ones of all politicians in his situation: that the allegations were lies, or that his political enemies cooked it all up to get him, or that (not saying it DID happen, mind you, but) it all happened a long time ago, etc., etc.  But, as with his lawless acts while Chief Justice, Moore especially made it his defense that he was being persecuted for being a "Christian."

If true, it seems the Christian thing to do would be to either confess your sin, or affirm it did not happen.  The latter (which Moore never explicitly said) would go a long way as a defense for anyone who was known for their strong Christian faith and life.  The way Moore played it, he instead made himself the poster-boy for all the deception that typifies political "conservative Christians" these days.

Moore lost yesterday's election.  That's good for Alabamans, who get a more honest man than Moore to represent them in the U.S. Senate.  It also speaks well of Alabamans, that (for a small majority of voters, anyway) they can see through some politicians' blatant deceit, in some situations.  That's cautiously-qualified praise: but in the political world of relativistic standards, "cautiously-qualified" praise or censure is usually the most anyone deserves, or gets.

What seems more important than the results of this one election, however, is what people take it to mean.  The usual explanatory suspects were all trotted out this morning:in interpreting why Moore lost (or why his opponent Doug Jones won): the behavior of the Trump "base," or of black voters, or moderate Republicans, or suburban voters, etc.

I don't really believe any of those are the real explanation.  I think the real explanation is moral, not a racial, political or demographic one.  I'm sure there are many real Christians in Alabama: by which I mean people who "get" Jesus' teachings, and take them seriously as the guiding principles of their personal lives.  I think a lot of those folks voted their suspicions that Moore might have "Christianized" his possible sexual sin.  (In their place, I'd have certainly voted against him for "Christianizing" his Chief Justice lawlessness, which is in no doubt whatsoever: but maybe many Alabama Christians did that too.)

That's what I consider the election-results showed most clearly.  That's what makes me glad for Alabama, glad for America, and proud of Alabamans: that many of those Christians showed themselves doers of God's word, and made their voting decision in the light of Jesus' teachings.

What played out in Alabama's it does in all aspects of every human Jesus' Lordship.  I praise Him for all His faithful people !


A Request


I recently sent a short e-mail...which I consider a timely prophetic all the Christians I know.  Posted it as well on facebook, despite the sleaziness of that venue.

It's a call to repentance ("re-thinking"): and nobody ever likes to hear that, since it implies we've been doing wrong.  As we have.

So I prayed, and tried to make it as gentle and non-judgemental a call to repentance as possible, entitling it simply "A Request."  I re-worked for weeks before sending it, and hesitated and prayed for a week or more before sending it: but I think I kinda got the tone I hoped for.  If so, that's God's answer to prayer: I am not usually gentle in prophesying against evils that beset the Church.

That e-mail is below: and below it, a short comment on why I felt I needed to be extremely careful in its wording, and in sending it.

Friends in Christ:
    We can all see that the spirit of lies and
unrighteousness is more ascendant in our
country today, than ever before.
    Christians have played a part in bringing
that about.  But greater than the damage to
our country, we've done violence to Christ's
Name and His Body, by joining them to evil-
    If we can still see today's growing evil, it's
only because God's Spirit gives us light.  But
if He gives us light today to see, we dare not
ignore Him, and offend Him, by continuing to
follow and justify evil-doers.
    If we do, God has every reason to withdraw
His Light and His Presence from us, and leave
us in hopeless darkness.
    While we still have light to discern between
good and evil, truth and lies, God has enabled
us, for this time, to see the way back to Him.
    I strongly sense we are at a fearful dividing-
point today.  Please seek God's guidance on
    Blessing to all who set their heart to listen
for God's voice, and heed Him.  Amen.
                                           In Jesus, Steve
The reason I tried to be so prayerfully circumspect in my wording, and in sending the e-mail, is that I'm relatively sure some of my Christian friends and relatives took my message as an attack on their political beliefs (and it certainly has strong political implications).  I was fearful that a call to hear God and return to Him, in the worldview of many "political Christians," would be perceived as an unAmerican, "Democrat" or "liberal," screed.

I've been pleasantly surprised that the few responses I've received did not "attack" back: even one from a cousin who's been quite "politically Christian" for years.  I'm thankful to God for that.  Maybe those who chose to take my e-mail as an attack were simply too livid to reply.  If so, I'm also thankful to God for that.


Was it "God's Will" Trump Be President ?


I recently read the following comment on a Christian blog I follow.  It's a common belief.  A common deceptive belief, I think; so I wrote a reply to it.

“I know God put Donald Trump in the White House, there is no possible doubt about that since every country leader in the world is God ordained.  What is unclear now is the purpose.”

You reference Romans 13:1-4, that all human (worldly, or "secular") authorities are "ordained" by God.  I'd urge you to look into the Greek word there: understanding it to mean that God "chose" or "caused" all human authorities is not entirely an accurate take-away.

That passage absolutely teaches that we should obey human authorities, in recognition that God’s Authority is the ultimate and ONLY one which exists. It also teaches that rebelliousness against human authorities likewise equates to rebellion against God’s authority; satan’s own sin.  (A sin very prevalent among some "political Christians" during the previous President's tenure.)

(The debate about when and how we must distinguish between God’s commands and those of human authorities…as in Acts 4:18-20…comes in here: but is not my point.)

That scripture does not teach, however, that because a man holds a position which carries God’s Authority, we should deduce that individual occupies that position by God’s will. God’s Authority is vested in the function (or office, or position) of ruling: not in the ruler. Jesus attested (at least some) men seize the kingdom of heaven (denoting God’s rightful Authority, Realm, and Rule) contrary God’s will, “by force” (Matthew 11:12).

God’s will and purpose throughout all history is that He Himself rule, and that He Alone be glorified. He characterizes mankind’s contrary desire for human rulers as “rejecting” Himself (I Samuel 8:7).   No human system of government could be more contrary the rule ("the Kingdom") of God than men's belief in “demokratia:” that the people (“demos”) should rule (“kratia”).

The existence of the American presidency (or any other human position of authority) can’t itself be said to be God’s will. The human system which puts anyone in that office cannot be said to be the working of God’s will: rather the opposite. There’s even less reason to believe the man who currently possesses that office does so by God’s approbation.

There’s good reason to believe the current president gained that office by deceit and corruption (possibly even corrupt dealings with nations who wish America’s destruction); or as Jesus said, “violence” contrary God’s will.

He has further distinguished himself as a man of lies: which makes it hard to believe he’s “God’s Man” or God’s “choice” in any way whatever, when he so overwhelmingly manifests the character of “the father of lies” (John 8:44).  Manifests too an extreme tendency to glorify himSELF, and not God: which is also a prominent fact of satan's character.

God’s purpose and will, His rule and His glory, will be enacted despite, and even in, whatever evil men may do. But you say rightly that we can’t yet see in what way God will manifest His rule in America’s current situation. Keep in mind there are times He manifests His rule by watching over people, even His Own people, for disaster and destruction (Jeremiah 31:28, 44:27ff).