Friday, June 19, 2009

Distemper of the Times

If there is a temper of the times, there is a distemper of the times. In the American Church today, our distemper is factionalism, a work of the flesh posing as spiritual strength.

Most American Christians accept as a matter of course that "we" are surrounded by enemies: secularists, "liberals," socialists, a legion of evil-doers and evil-thinkers who are intent on destroying "Christian values," and determined to take our God-given liberty from us. To a Church which thinks itself besieged, combativeness seems the highest spiritual virtue, and those most violent in their enmity are hailed as the greatest defenders of the faith.

Church, grow up. We are surrounded by enemies because we have invaded their kingdom. Their realm is imperiled, not the one we belong to. Like the Allied armies after D-Day, we have enemies on all sides of us...because we are advancing into their territory. It's a dangerous place to be, and in human combat can go either way: but the Church' war cannot. Established by God Himself, empowered by His Spirit, chosen and prepared as the bride for His Son, the Church WILL NOT be defeated or destroyed. If that's your fear, skip ahead and read the last chapter of the Book.

Church, grow up. We are not called to be God's defenders: He is ours. God is our Savior: by what mad pride do you, powerless transient vapor, consider that The One Almighty and Eternal needs to be saved by YOU !?! In this battle, we must stand with God: but it's for OUR protection, not His.

Church, grow up. We indeed have liberty in God: but it's not the kind that can be taken away by the world's evil forces. In fact, our liberty is exactly from "the world's evil forces:" sin, hopelessness, and death. If you're fighting to keep "them" from taking your God-given rights, you're operating on the Declaration of Independence' idea of "liberty," not scripture's. When Paul wrote about "liberty," he was not urging Christians to fight for their "rights." Church, get serious.

We are not in danger of being destroyed...unless you disbelieve God's promises and His scripture. We are not called to defend God...unless you think your strength is greater than His. We are not in danger of losing our liberty...unless you think our culture's idea of liberty is truer than God's. Combativeness and enmity are not spiritual strengths; they are manifestations of pride and disbelief. They are exactly what scripture says they are, works of the flesh contrary to the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-21).

Church, grow up. Church, REPENT !!