Showing posts with label persecution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label persecution. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Persecution and Persecutors


The current president, as usual, responded to Christianity Today's defection from the ranks of his
his admirers with vicious angry tweets.

At this point, he can only murder his enemies with words: though Jesus says his words are murder
(Matthew 5:21-2).  At this point, his toadies in the Senate are arguing, but have not yet legislated,
the principle that he can do anything he wants.  But it's easy to see they would not be averse to
making that the basis of American government.

It's easy to see too that all his party, his appointees, and his voters would be, to-a-man, amenable
to such a government.

I know some members of his "Evangelical base."  And it's always been amazing to me that most of
them believe that their political faction...even when it held the Presidency, both houses of Congress,
and the Supreme Court simultaneously...was somehow a downtrodden "minority," surrounded by and
under attack from their "liberal" enemies.

Their political self-image as heroic victims plays into the "Evangelical's " proud self-image as Christ's
truest followers, and greatly persecuted for it.  Denied (in their telling) the "right" to not bake a cake
for a gay wedding, or install a replica of the Ten Commandments on a court-house lawn, or utter the
words "Merry Christmas" . . . are they not viciously persecuted for their faith ?

The Catholic Church calls "martyrs" those who are killed for the faith.  "Evangelicals" seem to have a
much-lower standard: anyone who feels their "rights" are the least infringed has "suffered for Christ."

Should the current president continue to live, it's not inconceivable that his Congressional toadies
might legislate the fully-autocratic principle of government he believes in, and that they want for
him.  If they did, the Supreme Court he has put in place could likely certify his autocracy as entirely

Should any such thing happen, in our day or ever, it's easy to see that the current president, or some
future one, would want (and undoubtedly be given) power greater than Twitter-threats to punish his
enemies: that is, everyone who did not say what he wants to hear, or do what he wants them to.

The dirty little secret of "Evangelicals' " politics is that in such circumstances (to which they have
shown themselves agreeable) they would be the only Christians immune to the measures of perse-
cution that might be set in place: arrest, torture, execution.  "Evangelicals" need not fear persecution:
autocrats only persecute those who dissent from their rule, and "Evangelicals' " track-record shows
they don't, and won't.

It worked that way in Nazi Germany.  Many German Christians remained silent about their rulers' evil
deeds: some even rejoiced at, or took part in, them.  The only German Christians persecuted under
Hitler were those who would not acquiesce in his evil.  If I understand scripture's prophecies, it will
work that way in the reign of anti-Christ, whose "Church" of acquiescent "Christians" will admire and
serve him.  Only those who cleave to Christ will feel his wrath

I have no specific vision of America's future, beyond the certainty of God's promise that He will utterly
destroy all evil-doers and those who follow them.  The certainty of God's promise should make us all
fear for our country's future: and fear even more for the future of the American Church.

I make no prophecy about the persecution of American Christians.  Only to say that those who vaunt
themselves Christ's truest followers, and martyrs for Him . . . while joining with men of lies in their
evil deeds . . . fatally deceive themselves.

The willing eagerness "Evangelicals" have shown to parrot, and believe, the current president's claim
of moral perfection; that he's "done nothing wrong;" evidences the spirit of Nazi Germany's "Christian"
murderers, and the spirit of Anti-Christ's "Church" that will persecute all who cleave to Christ.

Jesus said " . . . a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to
God"  (John 6:12).  Many of today's "Evangelicals" and their superstar "leaders" have joined in the
current president's wrath against Christianity Today.  They show themselves ready to visit his wrath
on every other Christian who will not acquiesce in his evil deeds, as they do.