Sunday, January 05, 2014

Taking Stock

The first blog of this new year seems a fitting place to re-affirm what is timeless.

God's absolute purpose is that He be glorified as King, now and forever. Glorified in mercy, in righteousness, in power...He alone.

The sad truth is that the spiritual state of the American Church continues in the image of the political faction it has CHOSEN to follow: rebellious, despiteful of the poor and sick, loving falsehood, turned to its own way.

As the teacher of righteousness Rick Frueh has said, "This kind of blasphemy should make us tremble with fear because God’s cup of wrath must almost be filled." (, "The Worship of Man").

I do tremble with fear. The Church and nation amongst whom I live have set their hearts like flint against God and His ways.

My faith is that God will work His purpose, in time and in eternity, and is even now doing so. Woe to all who oppose Him. DEEP WOE to those who blasphemously take His Name in their mouth when their hearts are filled with rebellion !!

May God in mercy strengthen all who love Him, all who mourn His Church' apostasy !