Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Simplified theology

Everyone has a theology, operative ideas about God. As the old bluesman said about the kind of music he preferred, there are only two kinds of theology: good theology and bad theology.

Bad theology is false ideas of God. Good theology is true ideas about God. The only One who knows the truth of God IS God. And the only way we can learn good theology is to hear Him.

For many years, the touchstone of my operative theology has been to hear Jesus, and follow Him. It's what He said His people would do. The fact that He is "the truth" (John 14:6) grounds that theology in everyday experience, as He Himself IS: hearing truth, loving truth, and following truth is what it means to be Jesus' disciple.

God' been opening a second point of operative theology to my understanding. That all our purpose and love is bound up in seeking His Presence. Anything less than His Presence is mere religion, pointless and worthless.

His Presence is everything we need, for there His limitless power, love, protection and wisdom IS. His Presence is His Kingdom and His Glory manifest, for where He IS He IS sovereign. The Spirit He has given us vouchsafes His Presence, and His Rule is enacted by The Spirit in our hearts.

A complete true idea of God is doubtless beyond my limited capacity. But these are the operative understandings God's given me to walk in thus far. Knowing the Teacher, I know I can take each as fully truth.

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