Friday, July 26, 2013

Different Than Christian

I've written about it here before: that when you really set out to think as God thinks, it sets you apart from the world . . . and from other Christians. I know how it has happened. There are specific Spiritual choices I've made, and I can see that they make the difference.

I was meditating on Jesus' revelation Who He IS, "...the way, and the truth, and the life." God impressed on me that if you love Jesus, you must love truth. He's worked that into to my thinking as a fierce and absolute criteria. It's been a key spiritual gift: above anything else, love-of-truth has kept me from the political snares by which the enemy has deceived and defiled very many American Christians.

Even before that, James' words had hit me hard; "if any lacks wisdom," he only has to ask God in faith. I knew I lacked wisdom, so I asked God for it in faith. In faith, I know God stands by His promise. (Indeed, "wisdom" would be a good summation of what it means to operate by God's thoughts and God's ways; Isaiah 55:8)

I remember being impressed when I read that Solomon himself, the wisest man ever, asked God for for understanding, and that his prayer pleased God. I wanted to please God too, so I prayed for understanding.

Probably because these things were already at work, a few years ago I felt a great need to press closer to God. I desperately felt a need for comfort and protection, as I watched more and more Christians turning away after deceivers. He said that I should discipline myself to spend time with Him regularly. I did what He said, and He has blessed that obedience by letting me come into His Presence.

Most recently, He's impressed on me a similar word about fasting, so I've also begun fasting unto Him regularly.

I look at it all as an increasing experience of God. Like prayer and the desire to hear what He says, they aren't even particular things to do, anymore. It just feels like life, continual and pervasive.

I'm satisfied it's God's Spirit working and growing in me. None of these are things my flesh would have ever desired or sought.

I find myself at odds with the world, and with many other Christians. I've whined about that here in the past: but I'm coming to see it as no cause for whining. It's hard evidence that God is Faithful to His promises, and able to perform them...even in this heart I know (better than I know any other) to be weak, and foolish, and desperately wicked.

Praise to our Father, Who reigns in power even in our own weakness !

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