Saturday, August 24, 2013

Vance Havner

A generation ago, the preacher of righteousness Vance Havner said, "The devil's not fighting churches today, he's joining churches."

That was 40 years ago. After a generation of church-membership, the enemy has worked his way into leadership.

How else can it be that the Church eagerly follows politicians after satan's own heart ?:

a rebel who denies Romans 13, proclaiming to the nation that "government IS the problem;"

a blasphemer who perverts John 1, telling a world-wide audience that America is the light of the world;

the priest of a demonic "other Christ" and his other "bible."

For readers whose spiritual eyes have been blinded by the political gospel subverting our country and its Christians, I'm referring to Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Mitt Romney, "conservative" Republicans all.

Who do you follow, Christian ? If you follow the enemy's men and message, how do you call yourself "Christian" ?

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