Saturday, December 24, 2016

Evangelicals on "Religious Freedom"...Again

In a 20013 study, the Barna Research Group found that fifty-one percent of American "evangelicals" were "...concerned that religious freedom in the U.S. will become more restricted in the next five years."  (

We frequently hear that "chip-on-the-shoulder" attitude of "evangelicals" about their "religious freedom" being denied.  It usually turns out to be some kind of self-serving political ploy, more than a matter of Christian principle.  The commercial wedding-chapel in Idaho, for example, which advertised it did Buddhist, Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Shinto, and other kinds of weddings: but screamed its Christian "religious liberty" was under attack when the local city-council ticketed the business for refusing to do a gay "wedding."

Interestingly, Barna also found that a majority of "evangelicals" believed "traditional American" religious values (i.e., Protestant Christianity) should be given preference in public policy.

David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, well and rightly called out that "cognitive disconnect"...or rather, hypocrisy:

“Evangelicals have to be careful of embracing a double standard: to call for religious freedoms, but then desire the dominant religious influence to be Judeo-Christian.  They cannot have it both ways.”

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