Wednesday, May 06, 2015

You Never Know...But You Should

We underestimate God's unpredictability.

He's always doing what we would never expect. Choosing a gang of slaves for His people. Making a peasant-nobody king. Letting good people suffer (ask Job). Changing EVERYTHING in the world, and life, by the execution of a third-world criminal.

But "unpredictable" is only saying He never does what we think He should, or expect He will. He is "predictable:" but only on His Own terms.

All His ways are always, and will always be, Good. Right. Perfect. Exactly what's needed.

We can expect His every word and deed to be Blessing...for all who will receive them. That's hard for anyone who expects Him to be "predictable," on their terms.

The only thing we can truly expect is that His every word and deed to us is Blessing...His entire unexpected Presence is in them, and He is the only Blessing.

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