Thursday, December 15, 2016

God's Word Without Glasses

I was thankful God directed me to the teachers He did, local and national, when I was a new Christian.  Bob Mumford and Derek Prince were the two main Charismatic leaders whose teaching I followed.  They, with Don Basham, Ern Baxter, and Charles Simpson joined together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in the early '70s to hear and spread God's word for that time.

I always admired that these men, each having his own successful individual ministry, willingly entered into covenant with each other.  To teach and live the Kingdom of God, they submitted their ministries, their teachings, and their personal walks to each other.

I admired their integrity.  After Derek Prince was widowed, he met a woman he was convinced God told him would be his wife.  But Prince submitted his re-marriage to the others.  When the other men counseled against the marriage, he parted from his fiancee.  It was only after the other men became convinced God approved the re-marriage, and gave their approval, that Prince and his second wife were wed.

More importantly, these leaders showed public integrity.  When they perceived that the "Shepherding" movement that grew from their collaboration had gone beyond scripture's teaching, Prince, Mumford and Simpson distanced themselves from that movement and publicly repented their involvement in it.  (Basham and Baxter had passed away in the meantime.)

They were very different men. I consider Prince my mentor in the faith.  I was baptized in the Spirit after one of his teaching-meetings, and thank God for his teachings then, and in all my Christian walk since.  Prince was born in India in a British military family, and had been a fellow in Philosophy at Cambridge University before he became a Christian.  His scriptural teaching was as thorough, logical, and penetrating as his academic training, and always powerfully spoke God's word to my heart.

Bob Mumford had been a knock-about American kid, with divorced parents and a 9th-grade education.  His teaching style was as folksy and humorous as Derek Prince' was intellectual and disciplined.  Bob used to say that when people were laughing, he could hit them in the teeth with the gospel, and never even split their lip.  I loved the teaching of both men, and loved the contrasting ways God made His word memorable !

One teaching of Bob's I especially remember was about wearing "glasses" when we read scripture.  As he put it, "If you're wearing your Baptist glasses, you can find water baptism in the Song of Solomon."

We all know what he means.  People can always "find" what they want to find in the Bible.  The problem is that's only their prelude for reading out of the Bible what they wanted to find.  We wear our "glasses" because we think they'll help us "read" the Bible better.  They actually make us blind to the Truth: which the Bible is.

We've all heard hundreds of these "the Bible says/teaches..." deceptions.  Christian clowns or white supremacy, prosperity gospel, abortion "rights," gun "rights," unitarianism, "Christian socialism" and "Christian conservatism," bus-ministry, capitalism, monarchy and democracy, cremation, angel-worship, slavery...  Whatever glasses you choose to wear, you can "find" it in the Bible.

(If you can't "find" it, you can always put it in the Bible by way of false "translation" the Jehovah's Witnesses' New World version of scripture.  Or invent a "Bible" of your own, like the Book of Mormon.  For those who want to hear something other than the truth of the Bible, the ways of lying, and the lies, are infinite.)

Truth is One, JesusMy experience in life fully convinces me that all Truth is in the Bible.  The way to get to more of Him is to go further into what the Bible saysJesus is also the One Way.  When we take our pet theories and doctrines out of scripture context, we move away from Jesus, and take scripture the wrong wayTaken out the unity Truth IS, our "proof-text" scriptures become not-quite-truth.  Even in the natural, we don't consider a bit of Frank's body, removed from Frank's body, is still somehow "Frank."
There's no secret to reading scripture truthfully.  Come to scripture with an honest heart: read scripture without your glasses.  Ask the Spirit to "lead you into all truth," as Jesus promised He would.

Everybody knows thisThe amazing thing in these dark times...when our One Hope of Life is The Way we follow The that so very, very, few do this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Freedom Is a Choice

I've been hearing from God for some months that He is preparing to set many people free.

That was, of course, God's promise in the passage of Isaiah that Jesus chose for His first public teaching (Luke 4).  And after He read that scripture, Jesus told the people gathered in Nazareth's synagogue that it was about Him: that He had come to

 "...proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed..."
My theology is that God doesn't change: and that what He promises, He will doHe sent Jesus to set free all who will receive Him.  Jesus still does what The Father sent Him to do.  Jesus still sets people free.  And nothing is more certain than that Jesus will continue setting free all who will receive Him.

That is the hope and the very "Good News" for increasingly dark and evil times like these.  Hearing Him so certainly speaking "Freedom !", I praise God more than ever.

But the fact is that some people don't want to be free.

Union soldiers marching through the South in the last days of the Civil War, destroying the homes and infrastructure of Confederates, delighted in announcing to slaves that they were now free.  But their journals and letters often record their amazement at the slaves' response.

Some slaves didn't really understand what it meant that they were "free."  Union soldiers told them it meant that they didn't have to work for their masters anymore, that master didn't own them anymore: that they could do what they wanted and go where they wanted.  Union soldiers were often amazed that, when they understood...many slaves didn't want to be free.

 It's not really hard to understand.  We all have a strong operative impetus toward the familiar.  We like to be with the people we know, doing what we're used to, in places we're familiar with.  Criminal investigators and profilers use this very human tendency to solve crimes, looking at criminals' patterns of behavior, Modus Operandi, and "zone of comfort."

Even Jesus' disciples acted in those human ways.  After Jesus' resurrection and their return to Galilee (which Mark and Matthew say He commanded them), seven of them went back to fishing !  (John 21:1ff)

But we consider slavery an unnatural state for human beings.  At least, so the Declaration of Independence argues: and that argument (unlike many others in the Declaration) probably has some scriptural basis.  Man is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), for example; so oppressing any man is an offense against God.  Creating a lesser class, to force them to do the will of other men (the definition slavery) is contrary to God's Own just impartiality toward all men (Romans 2:11, and Ephesians 6:9).

How then are men persuaded to accept their slavery, contrary God's will ?  We naturally think of the tortures and murder by which American slavery was enforced on its victims.  But Frederick Douglass, who had been raised a slave, and been beaten by one of his masters to "break" him, was more perceptive.  A man is only effectually enslaved when he is "contented" in his slavery, said Douglass.  And

" make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one.  It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason."

Slavery is a mindset.  Slaves will only willingly and cheerfully do the will of another when their understanding of what is right, and what is true, is effectually "darkened."  Men will only remain slaves when they choose to surrender what cannot by any means be taken from them...their God-given power of reason.

There are many slaves in the American Church today.  Many Christians who have "bought" the enslaving ways-of-thinking their political masters have taught them: most destructive among these, their unBiblical self-image as "conservatives." 

Many in the American Church today, and for the last 40 years, have willingly and cheerfully done the will of their political masters.  Even when their masters ordered them in recent years to serve the deeply anti-Christian spirit of Mormonism, or the forces of pride and unrighteousness...they did so.  Willing slaves, content in their slavery...they did as they were told.

 God has promised freedom to the captives and the oppressed.  His word is sure, and the increasing frequency and insistence of that word convinces me that His chosen time of liberation is at hand.  He is preparing to set FREE all who will hear Him, and receive Him, and receive from Him what He is gracious to give.

Some will not.

In Frederick Douglass' insight, those thoughtless of righteousness, and the unreasoning content in their slavery, will not want to be free.  Freedom is a choice: and that means people can also choose against it.

But God bless all who welcome Jesus as their Master, and accept freedom from Him: they will be free INDEED.  God covets the sincere praise and worship of the truly free, His Own freedmen, above all others'.

The Word of the Day Is Repentance

It seems many people are beginning to realize they made a mistake in entrusting Donald Trump with America's future.

That includes many Christians.  And those who know in Jesus, or should know, what righteousness IS, have more cause than anyone else to be ashamed at having followed a man of so little.

But Christians probably only need to be reminded of the basics Christ has given us for times like these.

The most important is to be honest. Christ is not deceived, and He offers forgiveness only to those who ask for it honestly.

Confess honestly.  Winking at, or worse, promoting unrighteousness is not inadvertent.  It is always a conscious choice.  Approving unrighteousness by vote is a deliberate act, not "a mistake."  Call it what it honestly is, sin.

Confess from the heart.  Admit the sin is your own: that you have done it from your own thoughts and will, by your own choice.

Repent honestly.  Meditate on and acknowledge, to God and yourself, the wrong and the harm your sin has caused, and will cause.  Don't go easy on yourself.

If God directs you to do an outward act of repentance: to publicly confess your sin, for example, or make restitution to those your sin has harmed: do it.

Let repentance do its inward work of instruction.  Ask God to sharpen your discernment of righteousness and unrighteousness, and keep you from ever again being confused between the twoMeditate on how you were deceived, and by whom.  Ask God to keep you from the deceptive assumptions, attitudes, and people that persuaded you to sin.

Ask God to forgive you.

Accept God's forgiveness.  Then put your sin from your mind: it is no longer your sin.

Christians are also commanded to pray for those God has placed in authority; even when Nero was the early Christians' ruler.  In our current situation, there is probably a special responsibility to pray for Donald Trump, since Christians took him to their hearts.  But we know God can bring good even from disaster.

We can pray that God send on Donald Trump a spirit of wisdom, and of repentance.  "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God" in praying for those in authority, because God "...desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:3,4; my emphasis).

We can also pray that America's Christians "...may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (ibid, v. 2).  Whether our ruler obeys God or not, this is God's will for His people of humble and honestly-repentant heart.  It is especially important in these dark days that we pray His will be done.

Amen, Lord !  You Alone are our Great King !

You Alone are worthy of our praise and our love !!

Allelujah, Abba !  Maranatha !!

Sunday, December 11, 2016


I am increasingly certain that this time in which we live is a time God has appointed for clarification.

The sudden appearance of the word, and the concept, "post-truth" is doubtless part of that clarification.  In Christ, no distinction could be greater, and so more clarifying, than the one between "The Truth" He IS, and all that is not of Him.

God also seems to be clarifying to us righteousness, and its opposite.  Again, He's made that distinction clearer by letting unrighteousness grow increasingly manifestParticularly, increasingly manifest in our politics.

The brightness of greater light seems to have blinded some, who write off lies and unrighteousness as "just politics.So in this time of backward and upside-down moral thinking, particularly in the Church, it's probably necessary to re-affirm the obvious: "politics" is man's device, and Truth and righteousness, God's.  The lesser is measured by the greater: man's ways by God's.

Our ways are measured by God's, and the clarity He is giving us at this time must be understood in that context.  He is giving us more light so our walk will more surely and closely follow The One Who IS "The Way."

So be it, Father !

What Has Christ To Do With Self-Deception ?

Christ is Who He IS.  That's what "I AM THAT I AM" means.

Our identity derives from His.  Acting in His Spirit, a Christian "puts on Christ," becoming one who is Who Christ ISModifying the reality of our identity makes of a Christian one who Christ is not

This is a major problem for American Christians, many of whom choose to identify as "conservative Christians."

The problem is, first of all, that "conservative" is a political denominator.  Christians were led to so think themselves by politicians, and the politicians' followers in Christian "leadership:" not by scripture's affirmation.  Modifying their identity in this unscriptural ways, American Christians have foolishly chosen to take their identity from a deeply unChristian political faction, and its unrighteousness...rather than from Christ.

But the greater problem is that "conservative Christianity" modifies Christianity (and Christians) by a lie...contrary Christ's "Spirit of Truth."

"Conservative" Christians use that modifier to pridefully distinguish themselves from those they call "liberal" Christians.  By "liberal Christians," they mean those who don't believe the Bible is fully God-breathed, or Jesus' mother was not technically a "virgin," or Christ is not literally returning at God's appointed end-time, etc.

I leave it to any Christian who reads here: are such unbelievers in any sense "Christians" !?!?  Is it not a lie to denominate them so, in order to distinguish yourself from them ?  Isn't "Christian," unmodified, the express and complete distinction from "unbeliever" ?

What is the reality of "conservative" Christianity, except that it deceives Christians about who they really are ?

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Apologia pro Vita Sua

Some readers don't like my blog-posts.  Usually that's because they disagree with my views on politics, and I write frequently about politics.

But as our brother-in-Christ Tim so wisely says, it's not really about politics.

And I figure people's perception it is says a great deal more about the mindset they are coming from, than mine.

I know the mindset I am coming from, as surely as I would know being on fire.  God has given me an intense passion that the Church, the Body of Christ, Christians, act in the Spirit of Christ.

That's not a desire from my natural heart. Nor did I choose it for myself.  No one would.  It is a fierce desire guaranteed, always and inevitably, to break any man's heart It breaks God's Heart...that no one, Christians included, will ever from their natural heart act in the Spirit of Christ: and that everyone, Including Christians, tends to act first from their natural heart. 

Yet God's intense desire for each member of the Body of Christ is that we act contrary to our natural heart.   I'm surprised when people can't perceive "where I'm coming from:" but surprised most of all when Christians can't hear in it God's most burning desire for them.

I'm also surprised anyone believes that we can talk honestly about unrighteousness in the American Church without talking about politics.  The deceiver's thoughts and attitudes in the hearts of today's American Christians have virtually all been insinuated there from politics.  And the unrighteousness infecting American Christianity most notably manifests in Christians' political ideas and deeds.

When I write about what scripture says is righteousness or unrighteousness: scriptures about Truth or lies, about being merciful to the poor and refugees, about arrogance and rebellion, about loving good and doing justice: I often use politicians' words or political events as specific, widely-known examples...usually bad examples.

But those who find my comments "too political" tip their hand.  When I write about righteousness and (especially) unrighteousness without using those examples, their reaction shows they know their political "heroes" and attitudes are bad examples. 

That some people find my comments "too political" tells me the Spirit sharpens to their hearts His condemnation of the political unrighteousness they accept...or even endorse.  What I pray is that The Spirit will also sharpen to their hearts His call for repentance, and His passion that Christians act in the Spirit of Christ.

Amen !