Showing posts with label I Timothy 2:1-4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Timothy 2:1-4. Show all posts

Friday, December 16, 2016

God is Saying . . .

"He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,

And to walk humbly with your God ?"

                                           --  Micah 6:8

Christians are praying wisdom and godliness for the incoming president.  We are praying wisdom, peace, and righteousness for America; and for the Church.  These prayers please God, "...who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:1-4).

But I continue to hear God say, increasingly and more insistently, that Christians MUST NEVER pray that the unrighteous policies and programs of the coming presidency will "Make America Great Again."

God's inviolable moral law is that doing unrighteousness will NEVER...CAN never...produce good results.

Acting against that law did not work for Adam and Eve.

Doing unrighteousness has never produced good results.  It never will.

And Christians must never pray it will.  Asking God to reverse the moral law guaranteed in His Own Character, and please let unrighteousness "Make America Great Again," is a prayer profoundly displeasing to God.

We risk God's extreme wrath to flippantly pray "God bless America," if we are asking Him to bless unrighteousness.

Micah tells us the Law by which God judges men's deeds.  It is the Law by which He judges men's political deeds.  It is the Law by which God judges all nations of men.

 May America do the righteousness God commands.  If America does unrighteousness, may we pray for forgiveness, and follow with deeds of repentance.  May we NEVER pray that God act against His Own Character, and His Own law...and His Own righteous judgement.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Word of the Day Is Repentance

It seems many people are beginning to realize they made a mistake in entrusting Donald Trump with America's future.

That includes many Christians.  And those who know in Jesus, or should know, what righteousness IS, have more cause than anyone else to be ashamed at having followed a man of so little.

But Christians probably only need to be reminded of the basics Christ has given us for times like these.

The most important is to be honest. Christ is not deceived, and He offers forgiveness only to those who ask for it honestly.

Confess honestly.  Winking at, or worse, promoting unrighteousness is not inadvertent.  It is always a conscious choice.  Approving unrighteousness by vote is a deliberate act, not "a mistake."  Call it what it honestly is, sin.

Confess from the heart.  Admit the sin is your own: that you have done it from your own thoughts and will, by your own choice.

Repent honestly.  Meditate on and acknowledge, to God and yourself, the wrong and the harm your sin has caused, and will cause.  Don't go easy on yourself.

If God directs you to do an outward act of repentance: to publicly confess your sin, for example, or make restitution to those your sin has harmed: do it.

Let repentance do its inward work of instruction.  Ask God to sharpen your discernment of righteousness and unrighteousness, and keep you from ever again being confused between the twoMeditate on how you were deceived, and by whom.  Ask God to keep you from the deceptive assumptions, attitudes, and people that persuaded you to sin.

Ask God to forgive you.

Accept God's forgiveness.  Then put your sin from your mind: it is no longer your sin.

Christians are also commanded to pray for those God has placed in authority; even when Nero was the early Christians' ruler.  In our current situation, there is probably a special responsibility to pray for Donald Trump, since Christians took him to their hearts.  But we know God can bring good even from disaster.

We can pray that God send on Donald Trump a spirit of wisdom, and of repentance.  "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God" in praying for those in authority, because God "...desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:3,4; my emphasis).

We can also pray that America's Christians "...may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (ibid, v. 2).  Whether our ruler obeys God or not, this is God's will for His people of humble and honestly-repentant heart.  It is especially important in these dark days that we pray His will be done.

Amen, Lord !  You Alone are our Great King !

You Alone are worthy of our praise and our love !!

Allelujah, Abba !  Maranatha !!