Tuesday, February 23, 2021

False Weight and False Measure


"A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you."    Deuteronomy 25:25


"False weights and measures - both are an abomination to The Lord."      Proverbs 20:10


I was amazed how often God thunders against "false weights" and "false measures." when one of those verses came to mind, and I looked up what scripture says on the subject.

Amazed too the importance He puts on itI usually think of "abomination" as His characterization of major sin.  And isn't making "...your days...long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you" ordinarily His blessing to the notably righteous ?

It's an offense to God when we deceive and cheat each other; I get that.  God's command that we "...be holy, as I AM Holy" extends to every aspect of our lives, including our behavior in business and commerce.  But don't we all, buyers and sellers, today deal almost exclusively with things pre-weighed, pre-measured, pre-priced and pre-packaged ?

Doesn't it seem that God must be talking about Middle Eastern markets of three millenia ago, more than anything in our experience ?

The church I attend just recently left the denomination it had been affiliated with.  There was a vote to choose a new name, since we could no longer legally call ourselves "Worden U.M.C. Church."

I didn't really get much excited about what name was chosen:  I'll be worshiping with the same folks I already know, the pastor will still be teaching the Bible straight, and the church will still have its same (we'd all admit, still imperfect) heart for obeying God and loving our neighbors.

And I doubt our name-change with make any difference to our neighbors, who already know the folks of our congregation, and our deeds.

I suppose our name-change could make a difference to people who don't know us.  If someone new in town was looking for a church with a God-ward heart, and thought "U.M.C." in a church' name was a sign of that, they'd now pass us by.

But that doesn't seem a wise way to find a Godly church.  The labeling is, at best, only an assertion of what's inside.

Being called a "church" is, after all, to claim a relationship...indeed, an identity...with Christ.  But even "United Methodist Church" congregations vary in the interpretation and weight they give Christ's teachings.  That was indeed the main reason our congregation left that denomination.

Giving false weight is an abomination to The Lord.

Likewise "false measure."  It's not just "unwise" to pick a church on the basis of its denomination: it's a false measure...because not God's measure.

"Church" itself can be a false measure, and frequently falsified.  The "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" is the pre-eminent example, of course: but many less-overt heretics falsely claim a relationship with Christ   God commended the believers of Ephesus for rejecting such people (Revelation 2:2)...even if they swell the "congregants" totals.

Every "buyer" knows...or should...that some "sellers" give false weight and measure.  Wise buyers will therefore verify the labellling, looking beyond the name on the package.  Any human organization, individual, or theology may give deceptive weight and measure: none should be trusted to infallibly mediate God's true word...and wise buyers will act accordingly.

Come down to it, a "buyer" who trusts labelling or brand-name is not only unwise, but himself guilty of giving false weight and measure, to what is not God's weight and measure.

-- This is emphatically not, however, to endorse the popular gloss on basic "Protestantism," that every man should interpret God's word for himself: which has produced innumerable murderous heresies and idiocies.  We must "...know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation..." (II Peter 1:20).

Certainly no wise person would put his unquestioning trust in what someone else claimed God says.  Even more will the truly-wise beware the deceitfulness of their own heart (Jeremiah 17:9), and never unquestioningly trust his own understanding of scripture (Proverbs 3:5) --

Josephus wrote that the Pharisees were greatly esteemed by the people of Jesus' time.  They had the reputation of flawlessly teaching the Law.  And not just talking the Law: they walked it.  They followed the Law so scrupulously that they even tithed to God one-tenth of their kitchen-spices.  Jesus Himself testified to that fact (Luke 11:42).

Jesus also excoriated them as hypocrites and blind guides, who missed "...the weightier provisions of the law" in their punctilious religiosity (Matthew 23:23).

Giving false weight is an abomination to The Lord.  Jesus pronounces woe to the Pharisees on that score.

And what of those who falsely measured the Pharisees as godly, and falsely gave "godly" weight to their teachings ?

What of those in our time who will follow none but "conservative Christian" leaders, for their strict "Biblicism," and put their unquestioning trust in the godliness of that faction and its teachings ?

Does that faction's embrace of lies and liars, of murderous "opinions" and men of violence, make any Christians re-think the measure and weight they give today's "conservative Christianity" ?

It should.  False weight and false measure are an abomination to the Lord.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Drawing the Line III

Thinking further on a couple 2013 posts:

Ted Williams was the last man in baseball to bat over .400 (.406 in 1941). He credited his visual acuity.  Williams claimed he could see the spin of the ball's stitches from the moment it left the pitcher's hand, letting him distinguish a fast ball from a curve, and anticipate the ball's motion and placement when it reached home-plate.

An interviewer asked Williams about his legendary batting skills. It was simple, Williams said: he made it an absolute rule to never swing at a ball unless he knew it would touch the strike-zone.

"But with your eyesight," said the interviewer, "couldn't you have hit pitches that were only a fraction of an inch outside the strike-zone.  Couldn't you have gotten even more hits that way, and increased your batting-average even more ?"

"No !" Williams said. "If I did that, where would I draw the line ?" 

Jesus drew the line.

He said He IS "...The Truth, and The Life" (John 14:6).  He said satan is "the father of lies," and a murderer (John 8:44).

For anyone with "eyes to see," the line couldn't be clearer.  It runs through EVERYTHING each man says, thinks, and does: Truth...or lies ?

America has just passed through a season when the line couldn't be clearer than it is in politics.

Many American Christians batted .000 for that season.

God, have mercy on the foolish misguided...and separate from us all those who love lies and murder !

Amen !!!

False Faith


Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.     --  Psalms 146:3


Some people are saying that our democratic system of government, “the people rule,” has saved us from the corrupt rule of evil men.

Don’t believe it.

The next time the majority of “the peopleWANT to believe lies and follow violent men, our democratic system of government will make it happen again.

Scripture's warning probably also means we should put no trust in any political faction of men.

In the U.S., Republicans currently have a lock on the “lies and murder” demographic.  But next time “the people” WANT to follow liars and murderers, it could be Democrats, or the Prohibition Party, or the Green Party, who will give it to them.

Hatred and lies are always powerful political tools.  Whenever lies and murder are the desires of a majority in our democracy, nothing could be more CERTAIN than that some politicians will see their route to power is giving "the people" what they want..

“Do not put your trust...in human beings..."

And therefore...do not put your trust in "the rule of the people"...



Sunday, January 24, 2021

Eyes to See


"But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness !"        --  Matthew 6:23

I guess I thought as soon the former evil president was off the scene, people who'd followed him would come to their senses.  I thought the sounds of head-smacking, and cries of "WHAT WAS I THINKING !?!?," would resound throughout the land.
I was particularly hopeful the many deceived Christians...who know what "repentance" is, and how it's done...would turn back from their politics of lies and hatred.
The "Christian conservative" movement has quoted God's command from II Chronicles 7:14 so often, for so many years...against all those ungodly "other people:" abortionists, gay-rights activists, and "liberals"...that I hoped it might have lodged in their hearts...
...that if they truly desire God to "heal [our] land," it might come into their thinking that He requires "the people called by My name" to repent of their sins.  And I hoped they would.

But if what I've heard and seen from "conservative Christians" the last few days, from Franklin Graham on down, is any indicator, "Evangelicals" are as deceived as ever: indeed, more willfully insistent on being deceived, now that their cherished Liar suffered political defeat.
(Hasn't it been clear from their start that "conservative Christians" are more about politics than godliness ?  The vast number of their votes elected the "conservative" presidential candidate in 1980, over his Christian opponent.)

God says He will send "strong delusions" on "...those who refuse to love the Truth,"...and will PERSONALLY ensure that they will believe the lies of "the man of lawlessness (II Thessalonians 2:8-12)...and follow him to destruction.

That could well be the spiritual dynamic operating when Evangelicals' greatest "Super-Star" leader compares his departed sleaze-president to Jesus, to bash the "Judases" who politically "betray" him.

How profound is the darkness today over, and within, "conservative Christian" Evangelicals !  And how eternally irremediable for all who who know Who Truth IS...and willfully choose lies.

God, keep the hearts of those who truly love You stayed always on TRUTH !!

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Franklin Graham: no comment necessary

"The Rev. Franklin Graham compared the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump to Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus to the Roman authorities.

In a Facebook post...in which Mr. Graham praised Mr. Trump at length...the minister declared 'shame, shame' on those GOP lawmakers who 'joined with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday.'

'The House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can,' said Mr. Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

'And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal,' he said."



Friday, January 22, 2021

An Open Letter to Kansas' Republican Senator Roger Marshall

Thanks, Senator, for your response to my earlier e-mail on "Everything."

In your reply, you say "Laina and I will be at the inauguration of our 46th President Joe Biden and will do everything in our power to work with him..."

 But isn't it rather hypocritical to attend the inauguration of a man you've publicly claimed was not legally elected President ?

And should we believe that you will honestly try to "work with" a President whose legitimacy you publicly question ?

I don't for one minute buy, as you wrote, that "it's time to move on." What you're saying is that wrongs (or sins, or crimes) that were done (at least those done by the former president, and your party) should have no consequences.

Senator, the lies and crimes of yourself and your faction have had DEADLY consequences for our country and ALL our people. How is it you think there should be NO consequences for those who told us lies, and committed crimes against us ?

Senator, it's time to be honest. It's time to repent. It's time to publicly ask forgiveness of those you've harmed: and honestly "work with" the current President to heal the sick, do justice and do mercy, speak the TRUTH, and heal our land.

You may have heard a Christian quote this scripture: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14).

You've claimed to be a Christian, called by Christ's name. If that's so, I trust you'll do what God says His people should do to "heal their land:" confess, repent, and turn away from the political lies and crimes you've so-far followed.

Steve Hicks

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Prayer of Thanks

Father God:

THANK YOU that we again hear Your desires for us publicly proclaimed as our leaders' aspirations for our people and our nation.

Thank You, Father.

But You know, and we know, how weak-willed we can be, foolish and wayward.  Join Your Spirit and Your power to Your aspirations for us, in us: and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Last Prayer

I've prayed often these last 4 years for the man who was then president, as scripture commands us.  One last prayer today for him, now that he is at last our EX-president.

This has to be the bitterest day of his life, exposing him before all the world as (in his own terms) a “big LOSER.”  So maybe this is the moment at which he can finally hear God speaking to him.

IF he will examine his heart for the ways that have brought on him what he considers this bitter failure, and will repent those evil ways, his soul and his life might yet be saved.

So I pray this last time that he will honestly examine his heart, and repent before God.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Inauguration Day

God says not to trust in man. Even if He didn’t, no wise person would. All human beings are fallible. The best of us make harmful mistakes: even the most upright of us may WILLFULLY turn from righteousness.

So this is not about the man himself: he is fallible and will make mistakes: but I’m hopeful in the things on which our new President has set his heart.  Foremost, his sincere faith in God; his belief in Christ’s teachings, and his determination to do as Christ commands.

Our nation’s greatest needs are exactly what Christ commanded of us all: heal the sick, show mercy to the poor and aliens, “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15), and love one another.

I trust all honest Americans, even (if any) among “Christian conservatives” and Republicans, wish these things for our country.  I trust all honest Americans will join in doing God’s will for our suffering nation.

Amen !

Thursday, January 14, 2021



God defines everything else (and every “thing” IS “everything else”). The nature of reality, of “good” and “evil,” of mankind, what is right and what is wrong...even satan. Every “thing” has its definition in reference to the One Who created it: and each created being by our relationship to Him.

(Even atheists, like a man leaning hard into a strong wind that stops blowing, would fall flat ..."mean" nothing...if there were actually NO God to give their denial of Him substance.)

God frequently gives us exact definitions in words. I quote some of them constantly: what IS the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:10 and Romans 14:17), who IS Jesus and “what” (actually “Who”) IS Truth (John 14:6), what true worship IS (John 4:23-4), who satan and his followers are (John 8:44). God’s “I AM” means that whatever He says a “thing" is, it absolutely, entirely, always, IS.

Some of God’s definitions are not in “A = B’ format, but “between the lines,” or even by negation, for everyone with “eyes to see.” For example, we can know that He defines “wisdom” as understanding His will, since Ephesians 5:17 contrasts "understanding God's will" with “foolishness.”

So I’ve always wanted to ask some Christians what they make of Acts 4:34-35.

“…there was not a needy person among them, for all who were owners of land or houses would sell them and bring the proceeds of the sales and lay them at the apostles’ feet, and they would be distributed to each as any had need.”

I’ve always wanted to ask those Christians so terrified of “socialism” that they choose instead to follow liars and murderers, what they make of the fact that the first Christians, newly filled with God’s Spirit, practiced all-out “socialism” ?

Of course, God’s not giving a human-political definition of what it IS to be a Christian. No one can get there by politics, and God's definitions are NEVER man’s definitions.

But I’ve always wanted to ask those manipulated by fear of “socialism” where they get their definition of it ?

Obviously, not from scripture.  In scripture, Christians' life in the Spirit looks exactly like the (unattainable by human POLITICAL "works") ideal of “socialism."