Sunday, January 31, 2021

False Faith


Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.     --  Psalms 146:3


Some people are saying that our democratic system of government, “the people rule,” has saved us from the corrupt rule of evil men.

Don’t believe it.

The next time the majority of “the peopleWANT to believe lies and follow violent men, our democratic system of government will make it happen again.

Scripture's warning probably also means we should put no trust in any political faction of men.

In the U.S., Republicans currently have a lock on the “lies and murder” demographic.  But next time “the people” WANT to follow liars and murderers, it could be Democrats, or the Prohibition Party, or the Green Party, who will give it to them.

Hatred and lies are always powerful political tools.  Whenever lies and murder are the desires of a majority in our democracy, nothing could be more CERTAIN than that some politicians will see their route to power is giving "the people" what they want..

“Do not put your human beings..."

And not put your trust in "the rule of the people"...



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