Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pride. Show all posts

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Derek Prince on Pride

As always, Derek Prince' teaching nails it: simple, Biblical, straightforward, logical, Spirit-given.

The essential nature of the sin into which Adam fell...was the same as Satan's own sin. It was the sin of pride, leading to rebellion against God.

In Genesis 3:5 Satan presented his ultimate temptation to Adam and Eve. What was it ? To disobey God and eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden than God had forbidden to them. Satan, in the person of the serpent, said to them:

"For God knows that when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

The motivation that prompted Satan's own rebellion in heaven is summed up in the self-exalting statement, "I will make myself like the Most High" (Isaiah 14:14). Subsequently, Satan's ultimate temptation to Adam and Eve was, "If you eat of this tree of knowledge of good and evil, you will be like God--equal to God." It is the same motivation, producing the same disastrous consequences--pride that led to a fall.

What is, therefore, the intrinsic nature of pride ? It is most important that we see this. I can sum it up in one simple sentence: Pride of this kind is seeking to be independent of God. It was not a denial of God's sovereignty in the universe. It was simply a personal decision by Adam and Eve that they could do without God. They didn't need God. If they could acquire the knowledge of good and evil, they would no longer need to depend upon God...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I, Rebel

Praying for forgiveness last night, after giving in to a temptation without even a token fight.

The Spirit asked, "How is it you know God's way, and don't do it ?"

I recognize that formulation as quintessential rebellion. I recognize that formulation as too, too often my own innermost heart.

These years of spending deliberate time in God's Presence have been spiritually exalting. Doing so in obedience to Him, I can easily let it exalt my sense of my own obedience.

The Spirit challenged that: gently, but directly.

In His presence, I've learned to hate rebellion as He does, and recognize it as the sin-of-sin. Learned in His Presence too (or rather, re-learned in power) that obedience is His perfect way, and the only way a man ever perfectly pleases Him.

But all that learning is what a friend called "head-polish," mere cognitive assent, unless we walk in it. How is it we know God's way, and don't do it ?

I, rebel.

God, forgive me !!