Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hope. Show all posts

Friday, November 04, 2016


Without going into all of the Torah's details and nuances, we're all familiar with the idea of the "Year of Jubilee."

In the Year of Jubilee, debts are forgiven, the land restored to its owners, slaves freed. It is the great year of God's favor manifest in His creation, to His people.

The idea, and the term, should particularly resonate for Americans who are the least bit aware of our country's history. David Barton and others have fabricated a politically-deceptive "Christian heritage" for America: but for all of us who love the real righteousness God has worked in this country's history, the destruction of the rebellious Confederacy and its "peculiar institution" was what the South's (former-) slaves proclaimed it, a true Year of God's Jubilee.

The more I meditate on this year's incredible events, and the more I hear God speaking "freedom" when I'm in the company of other devoted Christians, my hope grows that this may also be a Year of Jubilee in America. That perhaps God will this year set Christians free from the lies and deceptions that have enslaved us the last 40 years to a faction of politicians and their evil agenda.

More than in any of those past years, this year we see morally-bankrupt politicians shamelessly spouting lies and hatred. But as they increasingly deepen America's moral darkness, Truth shines brighter than ever before.

God is our Hope. As more and more Christians question the lies, Jesus has promised that the Spirit "...will guide you into all the truth" (John 16:13). He has promised that when we know the truth, "...the truth will make you free" (John 8:32).

This may be the "favorable year of the Lord:" the year His Son the Messiah proclaims release for His captive people, and recovery of sight for those blind to The Truth (Luke 4:18-20). And those whom the Son sets free will be free indeed (John 8:36).

HALLELUJAH !! Praise His name !