Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Wall of Babel


The people decided to build a tower in Babel "whose top will reach into heaven" (Genesis 11:4).  They convinced themselves that building bricks and mortar hundreds of feet into the sky would allow them to "reach into" heaven.   It's the essential mindset of godlessness: that human beings can, by their own efforts, by natural means, lay hold of spiritual blessing for themselves.

Scripture says their foolish belief that they could seize heaven by building a tower tall enough was based in their desire to "make for ourselves a name" (ibid).  Isn't pride always at the heart of godlessness ?  Is there anything God hates more than pride ?

I've been thinking this week about one of the first teachings God put directly into my thinking (i.e., "heart"), over 40 years ago: that we have nothing we were not given.  And that God is the only Giver of "every good thing given and every perfect gift..." (James 1:17).

I understood from the thought He put in my heart that we are profoundly foolish when we struggle...especially when we struggle in our own strength, and by natural seize blessing.  We are foolish as well to struggle to keep possession of His blessing.  Blessing is entirely and only in God's gift, at His will: our struggle is with our own ungodliness and pride, which keep us from His will and His blessing.

Our current president continues to insist that his multi-billion dollar border-wall will keep "illegals" from entering America...from taking American jobs, from spreading crime across America, from stealing services and resources that belong to Americans.  And many have convinced themselves that building a steel and concrete wall for thousands of miles across the land will keep and protect for Americans God's blessings to America.

Is our border-wall any less an attempt to seize spiritual blessing by our own effort that the tower the people of Babel built, or any less the product of ungodliness and pride.

Is there anything God hates more than man's ungodliness and pride ?


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Giving Prophecy


As we began discussing the book of Zechariah in Sunday School class today, brother Rob said he had to wonder what things we are doing that "make God mad," so much that He would send a prophet to tell us, "Just STOP that !!"

Rob's a good brother, whose honesty I admire a lot: and hearing his question, I felt like God was saying to give him the message I've been hearing from Him.  (There's such a thing as doing the right thing at the wrong time or in the wrong way, so I was careful to ask God if I should speak it out right then in class, or tell Rob privately later.)

So after class I caught Rob, and referenced his question.  I think I remember, a few hours later, pretty verbatim what God gave me to say.   I first urged Rob to discern, as we're commanded to do in scripture, if what I spoke was God's word.  Then I told him, "God says, 'My people must stop following liars and workers of unrighteousness, and saying "This is God's way." ' "  Then I told him again to discern if this was God's word.

On the face of it, I don't see how "stop following liars and workers of unrighteousness" could be discerned as a word NOT from God's Spirit.  Who but God would say that ?  Obviously the "father of lies" would not be in the business of telling Christians to NOT listen to his recruiters.

But the biggest discernment problem for Christians in America in these times is discerning anything that touches on politics.  Some Christians react strongly against speaking about anything politically controversial: which lets virtually all individual and societal sin off the hook, in a time and a nation where politicians have made everything political.  Other Christians are so governed by a factional mindset (which they often self-delude is a "Christian" mindset) that they can only believe any word critical of their faction and its beliefs is the work of the "enemy" faction...and could not possibly be from God.

Probably many American Christians in those two camps would hear the prophecy God gave me as being "political"...which it is.  Those who follow Trump and the "conservatives" would hear it as critical of their faction...which it is, though not about their faction only.

The discernment problem I would most foresee is that both the Trumpites and the don't-touchites would be unable to hear God saying anything that didn't fall comfortably within the circle of acceptability they themselves drew.

The reasoning seems to be that God doesn't give "political" prophecies.  Or that He doesn't prophesy against our politics: how could He, when our faction is on His "side" !?!?.  But scripture shows, MASSIVELY and REPEATEDLY, He does.

I can't help being curious what Rob will do with discerning the word I gave him from God.  If God wants me to know, I'm sure He'll let me know.  But the point was obeying Him to give His word, and let it do His work, to His glory.

And AMEN !!


Friday, June 16, 2017

Who's Next ?


Many people, even some of his former followers, are beginning to see that Donald Trump's presidency is disastrous for our country.

It makes me cautiously hopeful.  It's always good when people are honest about reality.  Living by lies (or the "spin" today's deceivers give it, "alternative facts") inevitably brings people, and nations, to a bad end.  Jesus said He IS "the Truth" (John 14:6): and scripture affirms that people and nations perish when they will not "...receive the love of the truth so as to be saved" (II Thessalonians 2:10).

It will be good when Trump is removed from the office where he has the power to do harm to the country.  But no individual politician completely embodies the enemy's destructive spirit, until antiChrist comes on the scene.

It's been clear from the start that; as much as he operates in the enemy's spirit of lies, immorality, pride, unrighteousness, and greed; Trump is neither smart enough nor "slick" enough to fill the role of anti-Christ.  According to scripture, anti-Christ will be a unifying figure who is almost universally adored and trusted.  Jesus said that deceiver would be able to "...mislead, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24).  But it's increasingly clear that the majority of  people...maybe even millions of his white "evangelical" longer believe or trust Trump.

I think it's easy to see how the enemy might manipulate our current politics to his purposes.

Those who've tied their political fortunes to Trump will frantically try to disassociate themselves from him as he sinks in public estimation.  They will try to shore up their political fortunes by putting forward a "leader" perceived as more honest, intelligent, and likeable than Trump.  They will easily find such a person: 99% of people meet that criteria.

But in the political nature of things, many who've become disgusted with the evil politics that Republicans (and the vast majority of America's Christians) have so long practiced, will be convinced that only voting counter-Republican will "save" them.

If the enemy is smart...and he is, very... he can be expected to manipulate the other parties to also offer a person smarter, more attractive, and more masterfully deceitful in hiding his evil spirit, than Trump.  The enemy's surest deception might be to give us a Democrat, or Independent, or third-party, evil "savior:" someone who appears personally and politically opposite to Trump.  That ploy could be very successful with the simple-minded, the politically-minded, and those lacking spiritual discernment...surely the large majority of humanity.

I think the Spirit is saying we should be alert, and sharply discerning, towards anyone presented us as the "anti-Trump:" and especially careful to not be deceived by his anti-Trump political credentials.


Friday, December 23, 2016

Questions, and Good News, for "Trump Christians"

Do you not know that human beings are transient in this world ?

Do you not realize an individual's true importance is the spirit they manifest in this world at spiritual war?

Does your vote for the person to lead us not say you want to be led by the spirit he manifests ?

In all you've seen and heard , didn't Donald Trump show his spirit is pride, and hatred, and lies ?

Didn't you notice ?

Do you not know his spirit is not the Spirit of Christ ?

Does your vote not say you approve his spirit ?

Do you not know we condemn ourselves by what we approve ?  (Romans 14:22)

You had a choice of several candidates, and the choice of not voting:
did your vote not say you choose to follow, and you approve, the spirit your candidate manifests ?

The good news is that God still offers forgiveness to all who will repent.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


N.P.R. yesterday interviewed Canadian Graeme Wood, author of The Way of the Stranger.  The book is an expansion of Wood's 2015 cover-story for Atlantic magazine, "What ISIS Really Wants."

[N.P.R.]: How do they justify the violence?

WOOD: You'll find some who will say the violence is temporary. We are Muslims who are reviving the faith and we have to do this in a fallen world, so we'll cut off the hands of thieves right now. But once the Islamic State is stronger and people realize this is the punishment, we won't have to cut off hands.

[N.P.R.]: The violence is a way to peace?

WOOD: Yes. That's what you find with the nicer ones.


Note that the "nicer" adherents of ISIS operate by the lie called out in Romans 3:8, that doing evil will bring about good.

Note that Donald Trump joins ISIS in that operative lie, promising that his unrighteous policies will "Make America Great Again."

Friday, December 16, 2016

Procedural Note

Some people have objected to my calling the incoming-president an "unrighteous" man.

My using that term comes from a recent conviction that human beings don't have moral "standing" to call any other human being "evil" or "good."  Both are assertions what someone's spirit IS, absolutely and without admixture.  At the most basic level of reality, that's a dishonest view of any human being.

Certainly Jesus forbids us to call anyone "good": even Himself in the days of His flesh: because "No one is good except God alone" (Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19).

But Jesus does speak of "evil" people.  In all the other gospels, His references are to men's evil deeds or thoughts: but in Matthew, there is an evil generation of men (12:39, 12:45, and 16:4), an evil slave (24:48), an "evil person" He tells us not to resist (5:39), an "evil man" who brings forth evil treasures (12:35).

Collective mankind on which the sun rises (5:45), and which the king invites to the marriage feast (22:10), includes evil people.  And Jesus is completely direct about who these people are, and what their nature is: "you, being evil" (7:11, 12:34).

I'll be the first to admit I don't understand everything about Jesus referring to people as "evil."  But knowing Who Jesus IS, I think He has the spiritual authority to make that judgement, which belongs to God Alone.  And I think His ", being evil" means no human being has spiritual "standing" to call any other human being evil.

I'm convicted we should rightly only characterize people by the nature of their deeds, and thoughts, and words.  We can call someone who does righteous things and speaks righteousness, "a righteous man."  Jesus has forbidden any characterization beyond that, for "no one is good except God alone."

And a man whose deeds, and thoughts, and words are manifestly evil and harmful is "an unrighteous man.I'm convicted I'd be spiritually unwarranted in judging Donald Trump "an evil man:" but only as "unrighteous."

But that only explains the terminology I've chosen.  I could yet be factually wrong about Donald Trump.  God knows the thoughts of his heartMy characterization is only based on what he's publicly done, and said.

So I here publicly invite correction.

If anyone who objects to my characterizing Donald Trump as "unrighteous" will make me aware of an instance I might have missed, in which he did or said a righteous thing, I will post it here.

In light of any verifiable evidence of his doing any righteous thing, or saying a righteous thing,
I will also re-think my characterization of Trump as "an unrighteous man.And if anyone shows me proof that I have mis-characterized him, I will here publicly apologize.


Can anyone see or hear about the sufferings of Syrians caught in their nation's civil war without being moved to tears and prayers for them ?.

Can anyone who claims to have the heart and mind of Jesus not be moved to pray for peace and mercy for these sufferers ?

But politicians tend to see all things in political terms: the wrong priority when it overrides acting in mercy.  Bill Clinton's greatest moral failing was not his hidden adulterous immorality: it was his failure to use America's power to protect Rwandans from genocide as the whole world watched, day after day.

Politicians' delusional self-interest is not news.  And it would be no more than dust on the scales, weighed against the sufferings of Syrians: except that how politicians view that tragedy will determine how they act toward it.

And that, of course, many in the politically-enslaved American Church will quickly adopt the view of their politician-de-jour, and baptize his actions as "Christian."

(The unrighteous "Christian" faction that rules my state is ahead of that curve.  They have been posturing their rebelliousness for a year, trumpeting that our state will not accept any of the Syrians to whom President Obama gave refuge in his America-hating "tyranny."

God bless my state's former Methodist Bishop Scott Jones, who publicly called on congregations to act in Jesus' mercy, and help Syrian refugees relocate here.  I admire his courage for standing against the politicians: and even more his courage for standing against the members of those congregations, the majority of whom undoubtedly take the politicians' view more than Jesus' view.)

I have little hope America will act for peace or mercy in SyriaThe little our incoming-president has said about Syrians' suffering is that the military forces of Russia, Iran, and Syria's President Assad are "killing ISIS."

We all know Donald Trump lies.  And one consequence for those who choose to follow lies is that they themselves come to believe lies.  First their own (for all deception begins in self-deception), then those of greater liars than themselves: and in both, ultimately the "father of lies" himself (John 8:44).

We all know Donald Trump believes lies.  What crushes any hope that America will act mercifully toward suffering Syrians is that Trump shows he believes the lies of deceivers more deceitful than himself.

Trump, and America, will undoubtedly act on Russian lies, Iranian lies, and Assad's lies.  That the people suffering so horribly in Syria's war are evil people, ISIS people...who deserve to suffer horribly, and die horribly.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Spiritual Warfare again

One more time:

Spriritual warfare is not about people.  People themselves are not spirits.

People have spirits.  And in their spirit, every human being is part of the all-pervasive warfare of creation, between God and the enemy.

But people are flesh and blood beings.

So "...we do not war according to the flesh" (II Corinthians 10:3): and "...our struggle is not against flesh and blood" (Ephesians 6:12).

Political manipulators do everything in their power...and their powers of deception have proven very convince Christians we are fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies.  Donald Trump's saying of his opponent in one national debate, "she's the devil," is only the most blatant example.

But scripture says that spiritual warfare is not about people.

Every Christian makes a choice who they will believe: the politicians they have shown they love, or scripture.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Word of the Day Is Repentance

It seems many people are beginning to realize they made a mistake in entrusting Donald Trump with America's future.

That includes many Christians.  And those who know in Jesus, or should know, what righteousness IS, have more cause than anyone else to be ashamed at having followed a man of so little.

But Christians probably only need to be reminded of the basics Christ has given us for times like these.

The most important is to be honest. Christ is not deceived, and He offers forgiveness only to those who ask for it honestly.

Confess honestly.  Winking at, or worse, promoting unrighteousness is not inadvertent.  It is always a conscious choice.  Approving unrighteousness by vote is a deliberate act, not "a mistake."  Call it what it honestly is, sin.

Confess from the heart.  Admit the sin is your own: that you have done it from your own thoughts and will, by your own choice.

Repent honestly.  Meditate on and acknowledge, to God and yourself, the wrong and the harm your sin has caused, and will cause.  Don't go easy on yourself.

If God directs you to do an outward act of repentance: to publicly confess your sin, for example, or make restitution to those your sin has harmed: do it.

Let repentance do its inward work of instruction.  Ask God to sharpen your discernment of righteousness and unrighteousness, and keep you from ever again being confused between the twoMeditate on how you were deceived, and by whom.  Ask God to keep you from the deceptive assumptions, attitudes, and people that persuaded you to sin.

Ask God to forgive you.

Accept God's forgiveness.  Then put your sin from your mind: it is no longer your sin.

Christians are also commanded to pray for those God has placed in authority; even when Nero was the early Christians' ruler.  In our current situation, there is probably a special responsibility to pray for Donald Trump, since Christians took him to their hearts.  But we know God can bring good even from disaster.

We can pray that God send on Donald Trump a spirit of wisdom, and of repentance.  "This is good and acceptable in the sight of God" in praying for those in authority, because God "...desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (I Timothy 2:3,4; my emphasis).

We can also pray that America's Christians "...may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (ibid, v. 2).  Whether our ruler obeys God or not, this is God's will for His people of humble and honestly-repentant heart.  It is especially important in these dark days that we pray His will be done.

Amen, Lord !  You Alone are our Great King !

You Alone are worthy of our praise and our love !!

Allelujah, Abba !  Maranatha !!