Showing posts with label I John. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I John. Show all posts

Sunday, February 02, 2020

The Wisdom of Timeliness


Derek Prince Ministries' letter this week, and Brother Derek's "legacy" teaching it introduced,
seemed so immediate and personal to me that I've been able to think of nothing else !

The teaching letter was on "reigning with Christ:" and after citing the scriptures which tell us
we will, Brother Derek talked about how we prepare ourselves for that high calling God has
prepared for us.

The first preparation was self-examination on this question: "Is God's Purpose Our Purpose ?"

I haven't read any further yet.  God impressed on my mind that that's not only a true teaching,
but also one I need to respond to now, before going any farther.  We have before us every day
the negative example on that score of "conservative Christians;" so God also impressed on me
that I need to examine all the ideas by which, and for which, I live and work.

(And "God's purpose" is of course the central point on which Brother Derek's seminal teaching
of 40 years ago, "Agreeing With God," was structured.)

So I've really only read in full the introductory letter.  And I note too that it offers another free
pamphlet of Brother Derek's teaching called "Take Heed That You Are Not Deceived."  Nothing
could be more relevant to my recent Bible-study readings and meditations on I John, and their
parallels in Matthew 24: for in the latter, Jesus' discourse on the end-times, and repeatedly
warns the disciples (and us) to not be deceived.

The introductory letter goes on to say the free pamphlet "...expands on one of Derek's key points:
developing a love for truth:"  which is probably my greatest touchstone of all.

Nothing could be more immediately applicable to this time than loving truth, and being on guard
against deception.

And the introductory letter mentions in passing a verse I'd never noticed, on "timeliness:"

Among those who joined David when he was hiding out from King Saul were the sons of Issachar,
" who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do" (I Chronicles 12:32).

And that verse immediately resonated for me with Jesus' vehement words to the people of His time,
for their failure to understand the times, and what they should do:

"You hypocrites !  You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but
why do you not analyze this present time ?"  (Luke 12:56)