Showing posts with label I Corinthians 14:33. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Corinthians 14:33. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

"Hard to Know Truth" ?


It's not the first time I've heard it.

To something I'd posted on facebook, about some idiocy the current president or his faction had
said or done, a supposed-Christian "friend" of a "friend" opined that it was hard to know for sure
what was true.

I think it was the kind of response that was intended to signal disagreement, when a supporter
of the current president can't really DENY the stupid thing he said or did.  A lame answer, but one
by which a "conservative" can keep his ideological credentials unsullied.  (For "conservatives" well
know that the rest of the pack will eat them alive the minute they deviate from the True Faith.)

I've heard it before . . . but for some reason it particularly enraged me this time.  I'm afraid I let the
gentleman have both barrels.  I responded to his comment,

"Can't agree.  Jesus said "I AM...The Truth..." (john 14:6). Jesus said satan is "...the father of lies..."
(John 8:44). I John 2:21 says "no lie is of the truth," There's NO possibility of confusing lies and Truth:
God is not a God of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33)."

In the past, I'd always thought the "hard-to-know-what's-true" folks were speaking honestly: that they
wanted to know what's true, but weren't sure how to find out.  So some years ago I'd put together a
list of a half-dozen reliable fact-checking websites where people can begin their own research, and
I'd pass it on to anyone who complained it was hard to know what's true, and any friend who'd been
deceived to post or e-mail an untruth.

With the blessed exception of one long-time friend who's a pastor, I don't think anyone I provided with
those fact-checking tools bothered.  From their subsequent and continuing facebook-posts and e-mails,
it was clear they did no fact-checking of the memes and opinions they put forward as true, and wanted
their "friends" to believe were true.  I have to conclude they had no real desire to know what's true.

I have to conclude the complaint that "it's hard to know what's true" is exactly what the facebook "friend"
intended, an excuse...for being too lazy to find out truth, or for not loving truth enough to seek it out, or for
believing a lie instead of truth.

The latter I think is rather frequent.  When Jesis says "I AM The Truth," it means He IS...if I may so put it...
the Reality in which we live (and He also says He IS "The Life.").  It's hard to miss Him.  Believing Reality
is other than He IS...a lie...can only be a deliberate choice-of-will.

God harshly judges those who "suppress the truth in unrighteousness," because "God made it evident to
them" and within them (Romans 1:18,19).  They are consequently "without excuse" (v. 20).  It's not merely
God's righteous judgement on those who worship idols, but on all who self-will to believe what is not true:
the climate-change deniers and  Holocaust-deniers of our time, and those who claim the current president
is a Christian.

Even in the simplest terms of human discourse, why should we believe the much-(self) vaunted "Evangelicals"
who claim to "know Jesus," and from the other side of their mouths excuse their believing lies because "it's
hard to know what's true."  God says they are "without excuse."

God promises His most furious and harsh judgement on those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
I quite doubt coronavirus is that: at least yet, or completely.  But whatever, and whenever, God determines,
His judgement is always righteous, and entirely right.  And none can argue that he was unable to know what
was Truth.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.