Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Untouchables

In the 1987 movie, the tough Irish beat-cop Jim Malone (Sean Connery) on Elliot Ness' squad arrives home one night, unaware an assassin is lurking outside, watching for an opportunity.  But when the mafioso sneaks up behind the seemingly-oblivious cop with knife in hand, Malone turns to thrust his gun in the man's face, disgustedly saying, "Ain't that just like a wop, bringing a knife to a gun-fight ?"

I often notice the cars in my church' parking-lot with combative pro-gun bumper-stickers of the "cold, dead hands" variety.  A few other cars sport the "Gadsden Flag" vanity license-plates--a rattlesnake and "Don't Tread On Me" motto--sponsored by my state's Rifle Association.

I have to shake my head.  Ain't that just like a "conservative Christian," bringing a gun to a spiritual fight ?

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