Monday, February 26, 2024

"The Truth Shall Make You Free"

In John 8:31-2, Jesus tells “Jews who had believed Him” that “the truth will make you free.”

They began to argue with Him, saying they were children of Abraham, and have NEVER been anyone’s slaves.

They knew it was a lie.  Each Passover they recited how they were slaves in Egypt.  They also knew that their people had been carried off to Babylon as captives.  They knew that Israel had been conquered and ruled by the Persians, and then by Alexander the Great.  Even as they argued with Jesus that they were free, they knew Roman conquerors were their masters.

They were angry that Jesus challenged the lie they told themselves.  So angry He knew they wanted to kill Him: which He said showed they were actually children of the devil, loving lies and murder as satan does. By the end of the conversation they proved Him right, picking up rocks to stone Him.

“Conservatives” today have a chip on their shoulder about being “FREE AMERICANS:” and follow a liar who promises he'll save them from their own "tyrannical" government, and “Make America Great Again.”  What if Jesus told them that following those lies makes them slaves…and shows they are children of the devil ?

Jesus was right.

Jesus is still right.

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