Saturday, January 28, 2023


 From a favorite blog by a Canadian Christian:

"An allegiance is...our single non-negotiable. It is our only priority. It is the sole conviction and passion that controls, moderates and, if needed, displaces all loyalties. Nothing comes before it. All things must bow to it.

It is the hill we are willing to die on.

...That gets to the heart of the matter for Christ followers. Our single allegiance is Christ, the one willing to die on a hill for us and, frankly, the only one who commands our sole allegiance."

--  n

"Allegiance" is probably too "controversial" a matter for American Christians to question, raised as we all are to recite "The Pledge of Allegiance" on every civic-religion occasion: our pledge that each of we individual Americans...Christian or not...will put the American flag, "and the republic for which it stands," above our every other love and loyalty.

I'm consequently having to re-think my reflexive and rote recitation of "The Pledge."

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