Sunday, August 16, 2020

Bull in a China-shop


My folks regularly used the expression " a bull in a china-shop," so I was familiar with what it meant: someone so mindlessly inattentive that they were dangerous, and destructive.  My folks often used that expression about me.

It wasn't 'til I was in my 20s, working on a survey-crew, that I learned the fuller, coarse, version of that familiar saying from my profane old crew-chief.  It was both harsher and funnier than the version I knew.  (Come to think of it, my crew-chief  too may have said it about me.)

Coarse and profane is seldom my style.  And to tell the truth, I don't think I've known anyone in the intervening 50 years who really deserved the old crew-chief's harsh description.

But now we have Donald Trump.

He's like a bull in a china-shop: what he doesn't break, he shits on.


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