Saturday, February 08, 2020

Do-It-Yourself Prophecy


It's certainly not the full-blown charismata of "prophecy"...not the spiritual gift of devoted listening
to God, and being commissioned by Him, at the time He directs, to publicly announce His words
with a authoritative, "Thus sayeth the Lord God..."

But any Christian who truly knows God, and knowsHis ways in their reality, can, in some small part,
"predict" the future.  God will do what He says He'll do: and anyone who knows what He says He'll
do and believes Him, can "predict" it with complete certainty.

God says He will not be mocked.  When the self-exalting "son of the devil" (John 8:44) who is our
current president announces to the entire world that Jesus' teaching is false, we can "predict" that
God will swiftly vindicate Jesus.

That much is certain.  The only question is how many spiritually-deceived Christians have gone over
to the enemy because of their politics, and will be standing with him when God pours out His wrath.


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