Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Best Thing About the Current President


The best thing about America's current president is that he will die.  When, and how much more harm he will be permitted to do before then, is God's decision alone.

It's good that the current president is such a complete narcissist that his evil thoughts and deeds center entirely on himself, on what he personally and immediately wants.  He will not leave his followers an evil ideology to follow to destruction, like Nazism or Communism.  Trumpism's sole Great Purpose is Trump, and when he is dead it will not survive.

But of course, the spirit of evil is greater than any man, or ideology of men: and evil will survive and flourish

An amazing number of people who've made it their life's purpose to follow the current president will be without direction when their Great Leader is no more.  They will not then know whom they should hate, and who to love.  They will not have his hourly outbursts specifying what "opinions" and worldview they must adapt to accord with his.

An amazing number of people will then be waiting for tell them what to think, and what to believe, and what to do.  The current president's admirers have shown they lack the spiritual discernment to recognize and flee from satan's evil spirit and intent.  When Trump passes from the scene, their hearts will continue to desire someone of that spirit whom they can follow, and trust, and believe, and obey.

I'm convinced God will allow them their heart's desire.

Jesus' coming was preceded by God's sending John the Baptist to prepare His way.  It just may be that satan's end-time anti-messiah likewise has his forerunner, preparing those whose hearts long for his appearing.

Perhaps the best thing about the current president is that through him God is purifying His Church of those who will not receive the love of the truth, so as to be saved (II Thessalonians 2:10).  Perhaps in this way God is preparing for His Son a Church in submission to Him, Who IS The Truth: a Church cleansed, glorious, holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:24-27).



Onesimus said...

Your last sentence describes a very sad reality.

I'm sure we'd like to see them come to their senses, but if someone lacks a love of the truth, there are consequences they'll have to face.

It is my view that anyone with a desire for the truth, and is seeking it, they will find it.

Many times I've come across the question of what happens to those people in places that haven't been reached by the gospel. Firstly I believe if someone in those places has a genuine desire for the truth, then God will get the gospel to them.

Secondly, a more pertinent yet disturbing question would be "what happens to those in places where the gospel has free access - and yet it is rejected, ignored or misrepresented?

Steve said...


Interestingly, this very idea came up in our Sunday school Bible-study of Mark 13 last Sunday, where Jesus is talking about the "last days." On verse 10, several talked about missionaries' efforts to make sure every person on earth had heard the good news of Jesus.

My observation was exactly yours, that very many Christians had not really HEARD the gospel.

There was general agreement...that all those poor deluded people in "liberal" churches certainly did not hear the gospel.

LOL. It's always the "other" guy, isn't it...never ourselves ?

Onesimus said...

Many don't see that the likelihood of delusion isn't dependent upon which politically charged label's are used.

The very fact that "conservative" evangelicals are some of Trump's most avid supporters shows there is no less delusion in "conservative" churches than there is in "liberal" churches.

The first church I joined was a "conservative" Pentecostal fellowship. While they preached Jesus, and the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit, I now recognise that the "gospel" they presented was at best flawed and at worst misleading.

The focus was on personal salvation from hell and as long as we'd said "the sinner's prayer", or had invited Jesus "into our heart" we were safe from eternal damnation, and that was all that mattered.

There was no consideration at all about God's desires (apart from His desire to save us). It was all about saving us FROM something (hell) and nothing about saving us FOR something.

The REAL gospel is far more exciting than the limited gospel of personal salvation from eternal punishment. The REAL gospel's focus is God and His work towards a new creation where only righteousness dwells. God's desire is that we are made fit for that new creation.

Steve said...

I think that's exactly the core-problem of much of current-day Christianity, going back at least a couple centuries. Salvationism, presented as "the gospel," is really a great mis-emphasis, and ultimately a heresy, being necessarily centered on and directed toward man.