Friday, November 10, 2017

Screw Your Theology


Many...perhaps even most...Christians believe we are acceptable to God on the basis of our theology.

There are several problems with that belief: the biggest being that our theologies are a product of a human consciousness...and certified "acceptable" to us, on the rare occasion we're honest enough to subject them to the same human consciousness that crafted them.

Another problem is that however well-informed, profound, and clever our theology is, it's inevitably wrong in some part.  When we're honest with ourselves, we know that.

And however honestly and hard we strive to make our theology valid and complete, it will never in the least begin to encompass God's Being.  Can a thimble hold an ocean ?  How acceptable is any theology that misses Who God IS ?

And however "good" and complete our theology may be, do we really live up to it ?  Isn't the take-away of any theology we make, what it makes of us ?

If we expect to be acceptable to God on the basis of our theology, none of us will ever possibly be acceptable to God.  We're screwed.

God is The Real "I AM."  He desires to be with who we really are,...even when (as right now) we're totally unacceptable.  Even when our theology is mistaken, mis-shapen, and pitifully insufficient (as it always is, and always will be).  Screw your theology.

Is there any true truth we can ever know of God that's learned someplace else than near Him ?  As Brother Lawrence wrote, we must "...establish ourselves in a sense of GOD’s Presence."  Is there any blessing except His Presence ?  Any heaven except His Presence ?

And God makes it easy for us to be near Him, and acceptable to Him:

"He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?


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