Thursday, November 24, 2016


We listened for eight years to people screaming that Obama was subverting democracy, ruling by personal fiat, trampling on our constitutional "rights," etc., etc.

Most of the screamers are now red-hot Trump partisans.

Reminds me of a joke I heard as a kid.

"The snake I saw hiding in the grass turned out to be a stick. But the stick I grabbed to kill it with, turned out to be a snake."

1 comment:

Onesimus said...

And it seems that the joke has turned out to be a tragic reality.

"Christians" spent 8 years spouting a variety of hateful accusation against Obama, then turned their attention to Clinton - the fruit of all of that is a President who throughout his campaign, displayed the very same characteristics of lies and hatred that so many "Christians" had manifested during the previous eight years.

Now its a matter of "wait and see" to find what flavour that fruit will have.