Wednesday, October 12, 2016

This Is a Hopeful Time

As much as possible, I've stood back from this election. No one has time enough...nor is it be involved with the daily outrages against Truth, good manners, commonsense, and righteousness.

But it's impossible not to hear some of it anyway. And I hear that the Trump campaign seems to be self-destructing.

I hope it's so. A Trump presidency would be disastrous for our country. But if God has set His heart against America, it could be that He will yet make Trump President.

The American Church has certainly given God reason to set His heart against America. Most especially, prostituting itself to politicians.

But if, as it now appears, God has allowed that evil liaison to disintegrate, I can only be hopeful in the mercy He is extending to us. Hopeful that the people who are called by His name will re-examine themselves, and their beliefs.

The rise of Trump has made many (and not Christians only) question the democratic mechanism. I've certainly heard many people question how we ended up with him, indeed with two Presidential candidates, whom no one wants.

Perhaps Christians will also question the operative belief that their participation in our nation's politics makes politics better, more moral. It obviously has not.

Perhaps Christians will also re-think the false belief (vouchsafed to us by politicians for the last 40 years) that Christians are "conservatives."

Maybe some Christians will also re-examine their love of Reaganism's rebelliousness ("government is the problem"), arrogant nationalism, and "de-regulation" (of guns, environmental preservation, Wall Street's lawlessness, et al). Reaganism is hard-core ungodliness, and has had disastrous repercussions for our country.

It seems God has put the American Church in a dire situation which will force honest people will re-think ("repent") before Him all their beliefs that led them astray. It's another cause He has given us for renewed hope.

God is greatly merciful in offering the American Church this chance to repent. I have to believe...since He is no respecter of persons...that He gave the German Church a similar chance to repent their arrogance, disbelief, and nationalism after the disaster of World War I. I'm hopeful American Christians will be wise enough to learn from Germany's fate the wrath that follows from arrogant unrepentance.

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