Thursday, January 28, 2016

Freedom, and Irony

Ironic . . .

That the people among us who scream loudest for their "freedom" are the most fearful among us. Fearful of losing the "freedom" they think is theirs, they are vigilantly fearful of anyone and anything they believe might take it away.

They are fearful of immigrants, of their own government, of gays, of Muslims, of "socialists," of illegal aliens, of "the media," of Obama, of crime and of laws . . . especially of gun-laws, because they believe their only protection against all their fears is being able to commit violence on anything and anyone they think might threaten their "freedom." For them, as for Chairman Mao, ultimate power in society grows from the barrel of a gun.

In America today we are surrounded by masses of fearful people, who hate to the point of violence anyone and everyone whose race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or political opinion is different than their own. They also have a overwhelming fear of being a minority, a few righteous right-thinkers on the verge of inundation by a flood of hellish enemies. In that fear, they are wrong. There are far too many of the fearful for them to masquerade as a minority.

Ironic . . . that their rallying-cry is always "freedom" (and usually, "MY freedom.") No one whose life and mind and spirit is as consumed by fear as they are, is free in any way.

Ironic . . . that so many of this deluded crowd call themselves "Christians" . . . yet don't believe Jesus, that they've been freed by the Son . . . from all their fears of all their enemies . . . and are now "free indeed." (John 8:36) The "Christianity" of these fearful produces no disciples praising God from a jail-cell for their freedom. It produces instead "disciples" who fear, and curse, and threaten with violence, all the "enemies" they believe might take from them their illusion of worldly "freedom."

God forgive the American Church ! Christ, free Your people from their illusions !

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