Saturday, May 02, 2015

Commonsense Towards Manipulators

Manipulators want you to think the way THEY want you to think.

When manipulators get you to think the way THEY want, they can make you DO what they want.

Manipulators want power over you for THEIR good...not yours.

Manipulators like you to think you ONLY have two choices.

Manipulators like you to think THEIR way is absolute Good, and the other choice they allow you is totally evil.

When manipulators get you to think this way, it's easy to make you DO what they want.

Reality is that manipulators give us false choices:

that we don't have to accept the choices they give us:

and that we can choose NOT to think the way they want us to.

Above everything else, manipulation is spiritual warfare;

and resisting manipulation is spiritual warfare.

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