Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Where Are the Disciples ?

Re-reading J. I. Packer's Knowing God, and enjoying again its great practicality. He's not writing theology, Packer is quick to point out. Nor does he intend to feed our curiosity about God, which we too often try to substitute for knowing Him.

Rather, Packer writes commonsense of what it means to know God, and how a man can know Him.

"Practicality" and "commonsense" are the tip off. Knowing God is an action; and not a reflex-action. Knowing God is the choice of a free will...which God has given us in preparation.

Choice has been looming larger and larger in my thinking of late. It seems more and more that everything is, particularly in our spiritual being. It rings true for me, as C.S. Lewis said, that everyone in hell, chooses it. Even moreso, that all who know God, choose to.

Choice is a function of directed intentionality. It's a good definition of "discipline."

In language as in life, "disciple" comes from "discipline." A disciple sets his intentions on Jesus. There's no other way to know God.

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