Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Template: response to "Wake Up America !" blogs

Just so I don't have to go over it again, and again, and again... Because unwary Christians keep posting "Wake Up America !!" blogs over, and over, and over again.

You know the type. Secret evil conspiracies against America, especially in the Middle East, especially by Muslims and/or communists. Dark plottings in our government to steal our "rights:" invariably by Muslim-loving socialists (read "Obama").

The first line is a (very typical) quote from one of these rants.


"When a nation is being taken over by such darkness and great DECEPTIONS..."

Is the danger to "a nation" (presumably America), or to the Church ? Which is the Body of Christ, and mandated by God to follow Jesus, its Head ? Which is God's own creation to glorify Himself ?

Which dangers should Christians wake up to: the machinations of Middle-Eastern politicians, or those of the evil political faction misleading the Church in our own nation ?

Isn't it the latter which has led American Christians to embrace rebellion ("Government is the problem." Ronald Reagan), lies (such as David Barton's "history" of America's "Christian" heritage), blasphemy (George W. Bush' claim that America is "the light of the world") ? Isn't it the latter which persuaded millions of Christians to profess, by their votes, that they want to be led by the priest of a demon who claims to be the REAL "Jesus" ?

When a nation's CHURCH follows the enemy and his ways, what hope is there for that nation ? What hope for a Church which so forsakes the King of Glory ?

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