Monday, February 25, 2013

Hocus Pocus

The magician's main trick is misdirection. If the audience' eyes are all on the pretty assistant as she secures each lock with a loud "click!!", it's a simple matter for the magician to slip a hidden key from his mouth to his hand without anyone noticing.

Misdirection: get the rubes to look the wrong direction, so they miss the obvious, and they'll BELIEVE the deception.

Abortion, gay marriage, and all the other MORAL "issues" by which "conservatives" claim Christians' allegiance...who exactly told Christians the place to fight those moral battles was the political arena ? Was it Jesus: or politicians on the make for Christians' votes ?

Misdirect Christians' focus to political "issues," and the deceiver can even slip a priest of anti-Christ past us as the "Christian" party's candidate.

And nobody will notice.

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