Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Test

God's tests are always a chance: rather, a mandate: to test ourselves...whosoever will. His test this week is even clearer than usual in letting us...even more, Him...see where our hearts are.

The tea-partiers held a demonstration against Congress, for more budget-cuts.

Jim Wallis and others are praying and fasting that Congress' budget-cuts would protect the poor, rather than military expenditures and corporations' tax-breaks (such as those the New York Times just reported let GE pay no taxes on $5.1 billion profits last year).

I doubt the contrast could be more sharply-drawn, or the decision clearer, as to which is God's purpose, and God's way of working His will. But even being able to see the test is God's grace.

God's grace too that we can make that choice.

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