Saturday, July 01, 2017



Does God raise up men of violence; men of lies, greed, and hatred; because they are men after His Own Heart ?  Does He raise unrighteous men to places of honor so His people will honor and follow their ways ?

Many "faith-leaders" in America have told us so.

Or does He raise such men to the heights so that, when His swift justice strikes them down, His rule and His glory will be visible throughout the earth, and make even those who see from afar cry that "The Lord, He Alone IS God."

What do the scriptures say ?

I wear an armband of mourning for America's Christians.  Deceived by their leaders, they know God so little that they believe the lies they are told about Him.  Like the Sadducees Jesus' dismissed from His Presence, America's Christians do not know the scriptures, or the power of God.

I wear an armband of mourning, deep mourning, for America's Christians.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Pray for Those in Authority


 It's been amusing to see how many TV preachers are currently talking about scripture's admonishments to honor and pray for those in authority, such as I Timothy 2:1-2, I Peter 2:17, and Romans 13:1.

In very many cases, these are preachers who have "discovered" those scriptures only since the inauguration of a man they like.  The previous eight years, many of them were preaching God's hatred of unrighteous rulers: and doing some explicit Obama-bashing from the pulpit, in case anyone missed the point.

When the peoples' shepherds are hypocrites, despising God's charge to accurately handle the word of truth (II Timothy 2:15), will God sleep ?

Now, King of Glory, regard the deception these unrighteous do in Your Name.  In Your great mercy toward Your sheep, protect us from these false shepherds.  Execute Your judgement on the liars who have come among your flock to mislead those You love, and make them prey for the enemy.

In Jesus' Name, Amen !!  Amen !!


Friday, June 16, 2017

Who's Next ?


Many people, even some of his former followers, are beginning to see that Donald Trump's presidency is disastrous for our country.

It makes me cautiously hopeful.  It's always good when people are honest about reality.  Living by lies (or the "spin" today's deceivers give it, "alternative facts") inevitably brings people, and nations, to a bad end.  Jesus said He IS "the Truth" (John 14:6): and scripture affirms that people and nations perish when they will not "...receive the love of the truth so as to be saved" (II Thessalonians 2:10).

It will be good when Trump is removed from the office where he has the power to do harm to the country.  But no individual politician completely embodies the enemy's destructive spirit, until antiChrist comes on the scene.

It's been clear from the start that; as much as he operates in the enemy's spirit of lies, immorality, pride, unrighteousness, and greed; Trump is neither smart enough nor "slick" enough to fill the role of anti-Christ.  According to scripture, anti-Christ will be a unifying figure who is almost universally adored and trusted.  Jesus said that deceiver would be able to "...mislead, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24).  But it's increasingly clear that the majority of  people...maybe even millions of his white "evangelical" longer believe or trust Trump.

I think it's easy to see how the enemy might manipulate our current politics to his purposes.

Those who've tied their political fortunes to Trump will frantically try to disassociate themselves from him as he sinks in public estimation.  They will try to shore up their political fortunes by putting forward a "leader" perceived as more honest, intelligent, and likeable than Trump.  They will easily find such a person: 99% of people meet that criteria.

But in the political nature of things, many who've become disgusted with the evil politics that Republicans (and the vast majority of America's Christians) have so long practiced, will be convinced that only voting counter-Republican will "save" them.

If the enemy is smart...and he is, very... he can be expected to manipulate the other parties to also offer a person smarter, more attractive, and more masterfully deceitful in hiding his evil spirit, than Trump.  The enemy's surest deception might be to give us a Democrat, or Independent, or third-party, evil "savior:" someone who appears personally and politically opposite to Trump.  That ploy could be very successful with the simple-minded, the politically-minded, and those lacking spiritual discernment...surely the large majority of humanity.

I think the Spirit is saying we should be alert, and sharply discerning, towards anyone presented us as the "anti-Trump:" and especially careful to not be deceived by his anti-Trump political credentials.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017



“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
 Nor are your ways My ways,”
declares the Lord.     --  Isaiah 55:8

In his seminal "Agreeing With God," my beloved teacher Derek Prince emphasized that it's critical we agree with God's definitions.  What God says anything is, is what it absolutely is.

Last week I was meditating on repentance.  I often find it helpful, in getting a clear and full idea of a subject, to consider its opposite, so I was searching for scriptural references to "unrepentance," "unrepentant," and related words.

There were none, in any of the top three English translations of the Bible (the King James, New American Standard, and NIV versions).  I found it remarkable that the Bible speaks so often of "repentance" and "repenting," but not once of its opposite.  But clearly God thinks in different terms than I do.

When I told Donna about it, she immediately came up with the same word I did, as scripture's characterization of the unrepentant: "stiff-necked."

That's the beginning of another study, of what scripture says about being "stiff-necked."

But in the meantime...while I was working in the garden yesterday and pondering these things, a thought came very clearly to mind.  We often hear these days of public figures who are publicly shamed for telling lies or doing wrong.  It is amazing to me how often they justify their lies and unrighteousness, rather than repenting of them.

The term that's commonly used to described their self-justification is "doubling down."  Rather than admit they've lied or done anything wrong, they angrily "double down" on their sin.

The thought God put strongly in my mind is that I should think "stiff-necked," and "unrepentant," each time I hear that someone "doubles down" on his lies and unrighteousness.


Friday, June 02, 2017

"Conservatives" and Their "Reality"


Had to compress my comments, talking on a local site to a guy bloviating all the standard "conservative" talking points and attitudes.

Rather liked that the short-form comment seemed to get to the point (better than I usually do):

Bob: did you notice I strongly recommended, above, a belief in "objective truth" ?

If so, you can see why you're wrong-footed from your first statement, that "there [are} facts and there are Liberal facts."  Objective truth is, by definition, the same for everyone: and not under the control of any faction.

No, Bob: there are facts, and there are lies (or as "conservatives" like to call them, "ALTERNATIVE facts").

Reality is what it is: not what ANY human being ("liberal" or "conservative," since those seem to be the poles of your worldview) wants to conjure it.

To live in objective reality, you have to admit it exists; and you have to acknowledge reality is sovereign to your personal interpretation of it.

Those who aren't God, but want to believe reality is their own creation, really REALLY need to repent.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What Should Christians Do About the "Homosexual Agenda" ?


"I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people;  I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges."          I Corinthians 5:9-13

My thanks to Onesimus, brother Tim in Australia, for reminding me of this scripture today !


Monday, May 29, 2017

Patriotism, False Patriotism


On this Memorial Day, with its patriotic sentiments, every person in America has a choice of patriotisms.

By patriotic, I mean what "patriotism" really means: how we truly show "love of country," when "love" means intense desire for what is good for our country.

We all know that God promises that if His people called by His Name will humble themselves, pray, seek His Face, and turn from their evil ways, He will "heal their land" (II Chronicles 7:14).  That seems to me exactly what any true patriot would desire for his country.

We also have the politicians' contrary promise: that pride, greed, contempt for "losers," a belligerent attitude toward others, and lies upon lies will "make America great again."

Why do those called by Christ's Name believe the politicians instead of God ?  When God promises His wrath against unrighteousness, why do those who know the scriptures follow the liars and ungodly who say their ways will bring God's blessing on America ?


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Letter to My Congresswoman


I sent the following letter to my Congresswoman today.  It sums up rather well (which I think shows God guided my sometimes scattered thinking) what I'd wish to say to every adherent of the "conservative Republican" ideology.

Quite obviously, many who follow that ideology do so because their intent in it is deception.  (It's unclear if their demi-god founder had that intent.  To give him the benefit of the doubt, I tend to think he was just ideologically shallow: which is what makes his doctrines so broadly popular, contrary their true merit.)

But I sincerely believe my Congresswoman is basically an honest person, with an honest desire to do good for her constituents.  So I'm hopeful something in my letter will persuade her to re-think ("repent") the harmful ideology she follows.

Dear Congresswoman Jenkins:

                I was glad to be invited to your phone conference yesterday.  I was in the queue to ask you a question when the hour expired

                As a legislator, you had to field a variety of questions and concerns, in specific details and as policies.  What enables you to do so, and what comes across strongly to listeners, is the philosophy of governance you bring to your job.  My question was about that philosophy.

                You, and other members of your political faction, frequently cite the famous dictum from Reagans’ first inaugural: “…government is the problem.”   And certainly your faction is proud to promote itself as Reagan’s heirs.

It’s quite an illogical philosophy of government for those whose job is governing.  Indeed, it’s the basic principle of anarchy, the anti-government philosophy.  I’d urge you to re-think your faction’s embrace of that belief.

                That belief manifested itself in Reagan’s core policy, “de-regulation.”  This is likewise the core policy of your faction’s governing: as you said in yesterdays’ telephone conference, to “reverse job-killing regulation.”

                Please re-think the philosophy of governing, and the governing policy, your faction derives from its founder.  They are bad principles, rejecting God’s mandate to human rulers in the first verses of Romans 13.

                As part of a human government, that scripture says your job is to be “a minister of God [to people] for good.”  Doing good towards citizens is also the commonsense principle, and the traditional American principle, of government’s job.  It’s amazing your faction has always been so equivocal about government doing good for citizens; and has often denigrated that principle as “socialism.”

                Scripture also says your job is to be a “…minister of God” by “bring[ing] wrath on the one who practices evil.”  Please re-think if that doesn't mandate regulation of corrupt practices in the financial system, for example; or regulating pollution that harms America’s land, water, air…and people ?  Your faction’s opposition to “job-killing regulation” is the worst kind of political cant, devoid of honest thought.  Please give it your honest thought.

                My personal sense is that you’re a decent person, and in politics from a sincere desire to do good for your constituents.  I truly believe your heart and your intent are vastly better, and more honest, than the philosophy of your faction.

                That’s why I’d ask you to re-think that philosophy, and your legislative practice of it.

Respectfully,  Steve Hicks


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Today's Prayer


Jesus, rule in Your Church again !   Lead your people again in Your ways.  Forgive us our foolishness in following the deceivers who come in Your Name !!

Put to shame, utterly crush, those who lead Your people in evil ways !  Cast down the political deceivers and false "prophets" who teach your people to love lies and unrighteousness.


Whose Work ?


Whose work is it to persuade Christians to follow lies and unrighteousness ?  To convince Christians that lies and unrighteousness will "make America Great Again" ?

Take careful note of those who do his work for him.  Flee from them, as you would from their father the devil.