Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Freedom Is a Choice

I've been hearing from God for some months that He is preparing to set many people free.

That was, of course, God's promise in the passage of Isaiah that Jesus chose for His first public teaching (Luke 4).  And after He read that scripture, Jesus told the people gathered in Nazareth's synagogue that it was about Him: that He had come to

 "...proclaim release to the captives,
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set free those who are oppressed..."
My theology is that God doesn't change: and that what He promises, He will doHe sent Jesus to set free all who will receive Him.  Jesus still does what The Father sent Him to do.  Jesus still sets people free.  And nothing is more certain than that Jesus will continue setting free all who will receive Him.

That is the hope and the very "Good News" for increasingly dark and evil times like these.  Hearing Him so certainly speaking "Freedom !", I praise God more than ever.

But the fact is that some people don't want to be free.

Union soldiers marching through the South in the last days of the Civil War, destroying the homes and infrastructure of Confederates, delighted in announcing to slaves that they were now free.  But their journals and letters often record their amazement at the slaves' response.

Some slaves didn't really understand what it meant that they were "free."  Union soldiers told them it meant that they didn't have to work for their masters anymore, that master didn't own them anymore: that they could do what they wanted and go where they wanted.  Union soldiers were often amazed that, when they understood...many slaves didn't want to be free.

 It's not really hard to understand.  We all have a strong operative impetus toward the familiar.  We like to be with the people we know, doing what we're used to, in places we're familiar with.  Criminal investigators and profilers use this very human tendency to solve crimes, looking at criminals' patterns of behavior, Modus Operandi, and "zone of comfort."

Even Jesus' disciples acted in those human ways.  After Jesus' resurrection and their return to Galilee (which Mark and Matthew say He commanded them), seven of them went back to fishing !  (John 21:1ff)

But we consider slavery an unnatural state for human beings.  At least, so the Declaration of Independence argues: and that argument (unlike many others in the Declaration) probably has some scriptural basis.  Man is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), for example; so oppressing any man is an offense against God.  Creating a lesser class, to force them to do the will of other men (the definition slavery) is contrary to God's Own just impartiality toward all men (Romans 2:11, and Ephesians 6:9).

How then are men persuaded to accept their slavery, contrary God's will ?  We naturally think of the tortures and murder by which American slavery was enforced on its victims.  But Frederick Douglass, who had been raised a slave, and been beaten by one of his masters to "break" him, was more perceptive.  A man is only effectually enslaved when he is "contented" in his slavery, said Douglass.  And

" make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one.  It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason."

Slavery is a mindset.  Slaves will only willingly and cheerfully do the will of another when their understanding of what is right, and what is true, is effectually "darkened."  Men will only remain slaves when they choose to surrender what cannot by any means be taken from them...their God-given power of reason.

There are many slaves in the American Church today.  Many Christians who have "bought" the enslaving ways-of-thinking their political masters have taught them: most destructive among these, their unBiblical self-image as "conservatives." 

Many in the American Church today, and for the last 40 years, have willingly and cheerfully done the will of their political masters.  Even when their masters ordered them in recent years to serve the deeply anti-Christian spirit of Mormonism, or the forces of pride and unrighteousness...they did so.  Willing slaves, content in their slavery...they did as they were told.

 God has promised freedom to the captives and the oppressed.  His word is sure, and the increasing frequency and insistence of that word convinces me that His chosen time of liberation is at hand.  He is preparing to set FREE all who will hear Him, and receive Him, and receive from Him what He is gracious to give.

Some will not.

In Frederick Douglass' insight, those thoughtless of righteousness, and the unreasoning content in their slavery, will not want to be free.  Freedom is a choice: and that means people can also choose against it.

But God bless all who welcome Jesus as their Master, and accept freedom from Him: they will be free INDEED.  God covets the sincere praise and worship of the truly free, His Own freedmen, above all others'.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

"What Must I Do to be Saved ?"

"Only the Spirit of the Holy can impart to the human spirit the knowledge of the holy. Yet as electric power flows only through a conductor, so the Spirit flows through truth and must find some measure of truth in the mind before He can illuminate the heart."

-- A. W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

"...those who perish, [perish] because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved."

-- II Thessalonians 2:10

It's Jesus' unexpected answer to our question, "what must I do to be saved ?" Jesus says, "Love Truth."

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

No Light in America

My wife and I got a chance to actually talk this morning. It doesn't happen often. We're both on the verge of formal "retirement," with all that entails: and raising a 3-year old and 2 teenagers. We seldom get a chance to really talk to each other.

We have some different ways of viewing things, but mostly the same way as regards the faith. And we have many of the same disappointments regards our nation, and state, and church. The welcome opportunity to talk clarified again the simple outlines of that disappointment.

In broadest terms, disappointment that so many in our country are looking to politics for their truth: for the personal attitudes, deeply-held beliefs, and talking-points they choose to embrace ! Politics can be many things, and not all of them are evil: but looking to politics for truth is so profoundly foolish it must qualify as true insanity.

More grievous is that Christians look to politics for truth !! And infinitely more grievous, that Christians trust in politics...the world's put the world's evils right.

If seeking truth from politics is insanity, trusting politics for spiritual and moral wellbeing is the most profound deception and unbelief. And both are the operative ways of most "evangelical" American Christians !

May God send His Spirit of DEEP REPENTANCE on His deluded people !! Amen !!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Loving Truth (Even on Facebook)

I have a facebook "friend" ("friended" because she's the wife of a real-life friend) who continually posts all the current political/social lies. Among other things, she posts a lot of tea party stuff (including regular posts from the Australian Tea Party....!?!?!?)

As a Christian, I have to see lies as spiritual warfare. Jesus said He IS "the Truth." He called satan "the father of lies." It's as simple as Jesus said: spreading lies is working for the enemy. By definition, a lie contradicts Truth, as when "The serpent said...'You surely will not die !' " (Genesis 3:4). By nature, a lie is a Personal denial of Jesus Christ.

Even the evil secular world recognizes the simple moral judgement that lies are wrong. Even the spiritually-blind can see that following lies produces disastrous results: who can ignore the utter destruction of Germany when it followed Hitler's "Big Lie" ? In terms of the Bible's deeper moral wisdom, lies are spiritual poison to those who ingest them, producing spiritual death. What kind of "friend" feeds their friends poison ?

Believing what Jesus said, it's painful, infuriating in the extreme, to see Christians (CHRISTIANS !!!) spreading lies on facebook, in e-mail, in their blogs. The only good way I've found to respond to Christians (?) who do the enemy's work is to point out their "facts" don't measure up to non-judgementally as possible.

"Non-judgementally" because personal culpability is not the ultimate point here. Personal failing we ALL have always with us: and calling each other evil names short-circuits our receptivity to reproof. To get across the spiritual evil of lies, our best hope is that "friends" who spread them are not so personally invested in them that they personally identify with the lie. It's helpful that virtually all e-mail and facebook lies are authored by Anonymous: giving greater possibility that whosoever will can more dispassionately (and honestly) compare someone else's false "facts" with verifiable reality.

It's noteworthy that "honesty," "fact," and "reality" all, in one regard or another, relate to TRUTH. Even more noteworthy that all are expressions of what really exists...of I AM. In the same way that Creation declares God's glory (Psalms 19:1) and His righteousness (Psalms 50:6) such that all men see it (Psalms 97:6), I understand that the Truth through Whom all things came into being (John 1) is indelibly stamped on the human world in full view of All humankind. Most of all do we, who claim to follow that One Who IS "the Truth," have to LOVE Truth in our honesty to facts and reality. Sadly, if our e-mails, facebook posts, and blogs are a reliable indicator, such honest love is severely lacking in the heavily-politicized American Church.

Fortunately, there are a number of good fact-checking sites online whose honest research verify if the latest political-social factoid actually happened, or if some partisan interpretational "spin" is truthful. I reference and forward those pages when I want to non-judgementally confront a "friend" who's spreading lies. The hope is that anyone with a spiritual consciousness of "Truth," any who honestly love Him, will understand, and repent of these lies.

The deeper question is one that's intrigued me for over 40 years: WHY do people believe lies ? I grew up in a neighborhood only a few miles from the world headquarters of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and a number of kids I grew up with were RLDS or Mormon (indeed, our high-school graduation was held in the RLDS temple next to the parking-lot where Mormons claim Jesus will return to earth). My spiritual awareness as a teenager was practically nil, only the rudiments impressed on my unwillingly mind by years of Southern Baptist Sunday School and sermons: but I remember wondering even then how nice folks, intelligent people, could believe the stuff my Mormon friends did ?

The question came into sharper focus in the early '70s. I was mostly apolitical at the time, a former druggie recently begun to walk in Christ: but we were all hyper-aware of the Watergate drama playing out daily. It seemed obvious to me then, as it does even more today, that President Nixon was lying his ass off to save himself. But my parents, longtime Nixon followers, entirely believed his lies that he hadn't done anything wrong, and that everything negative being said about him was the work of political enemies out to get him.

My parents were "good," church-going people, and they weren't stupid. Yet they believed Nixon's lies to the day they died. It put the question prominently before me again: why do good, intelligent people believe manifest lies ?

Even after 40 years, I have difficulty understanding how it can be. It's more clear to me than ever that accepting Truth, or believing a lie, is a moral choice God gives us. More clear too that following Truth (Jesus) is the Way (Jesus) of Life (Jesus) and blessing: and following a lie the sure road to destruction and death. But the best answer I've come up with why people would choose the latter, is that they want to.

My facebook "friend," perhaps in oblique reference to the many times I've challenged her lying posts, recently posted this (itself by an anonymous author):

"Just because I post it, doesn't mean I'm going through it and it doesn't mean that it's directed at anyone. Maybe it's just that I like what I read or what I see and so I share it. I am Human!"

The attempt to disavow responsibility for one's own posts ("Just because I post it...") seems disingenuous on the face of it. But I doubt my "friend" really means it, anyway. Her admission that "'s just that I like what I read or what I see and so I share it" sounds very much like she recognizes she's responsible for what she posts.

But my focus was on her reason for posting lies: "...I like [them]." That part of her statement seems very honest, and confirmation of my small understanding why people believe lies: it pleases us to do so. In the broad view, the autonomous ("self-law") mind of man in rebellion against God, accepts and acts on no authority higher than its own: we want to do what pleases us.

The problem of being governed by our autonomous mind could not be more stark than it is in regard to Truth: as stark as (and part of) the choice between death and Life (Whom Jesus also said He IS). God gives us a free choice: will we love and follow Truth, and live...or do as we please ? Everything in His governing reality, framed and fashioned by His Word of Truth, follows from that choice.

Woe to American Christianity, whose public testimony (in its facebook posts, e-mails, and blogs) is that it "likes" lies !!

God, Father of mercy, break our evil hearts to REPENT before You !!!

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Opinion's Back-bite

I've written several recent posts on opinion. They come from the frustrating (and probably very common) experience of Sunday School classes and "Bible-studies" where getting at the truth in scripture's words is less the point, than people offering their opinions.

After studying what scripture says about "opinion" (, I'm convinced there's a place, when interpreting what God says, for clearly-demarcated individual opinion (or better, as Paul says, "judgement") that comes from walking closely with Him. A prime manifestation of that walk is deep study of scripture: which ties in with the first rule of heuristics (interpretation), that "scripture interprets scripture." As simple observation, that doesn't seem to be the case of most opinion in Sunday School classes and "Bible-studies" I've been in.

It's taken me a while to get past my frustration with fleshly opinionating. And past that, there's reason to pity the opinionated.

Not pity for what they choose to do: but pity for what they do to themselves in it. The back-bite of treating scriptural interpretation as a matter of one's own fleshly opinion is that it inclines us to view all scriptural interpretation as mere opinion. If we interpret (or rather, manipulate) scripture to confirm our own prejudices, we tend to believe other people do likewise.

In that mind, we become skeptical that any interpretation of scripture can be anything but personal opinion. And ultimately, we can become people who don't believe that scripture embodies objective truth at all.

My late best friend, Mike Baker, had a favorite phrase: that so-and-so "wouldn't know opportunity (or danger, or quality, or whatever) if it bit him on the ass." An unsanctified metaphor, but perhaps appropriate in this context: the back-bite of opinion is that we can get to where we wouldn't know truth if it bit us on the ass.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Loving Truth

Jesus said He is "the truth" (John 14:6). There is no possibility of misunderstanding His meaning, no grammatical quibble by which we can take Him to be speaking metaphorically. He claims to be, in His Own Person, Truth itself.

It's one of those statements that must deeply embarrass those who want to think of Jesus as a "great moral teacher." In ordinary human discourse, we would take such a statement as evidence of madness ("on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg," as C. S. Lewis wrote), and not of enlightened profundity. By such statements, Jesus leaves us no alternative way to take Him: He must be a lunatic, or Who He says He Is.

I don't take Jesus as a madman. And if He is the unique Being I take Him to be, no one's definition of Him can be as authoritative as His own. If I take Jesus' claim seriously, it's worth my most rigorous effort to understand His Self-identification.

The statement is not nonsensical. Even to our limited understanding, there are key ways in which truth is like Jesus. Truth is, for example, eternal. Truth is unchanging. Truth is no respecter of persons. And God desires that truth dwell in our innermost parts as fiercely as He desires that Jesus live in our hearts.

But there are more profound implications. If Jesus identifies Himself, absolutely and intimately, as Truth, Christians...we whose identity is rooted in Who Jesus Is...have an absolute and intimate relationship with Truth. His intent is not to present us a theoretical exercise, but the operative fact underlying every act of the life we have in Him.

If I love Jesus, I must love Truth. If I want my life to manifest Jesus' Lordship, I must obey Truth. If I follow Jesus, I have to follow Truth. If we believe Jesus when He says "I am...the truth," our belief is reflected in our every act.

In one unique passage of scripture, "truth" is indeed a verb, an action, in the original Greek. Usually translated "speaking the truth," the literal meaning would be somewhat clumsy in English, along the lines of "truthing it." The purpose for which we are commanded to so absolutely act truth is instructive: " grow up in all aspects unto Him Who is the Head, even Christ..." (Ephesians 4:15).

Church, grow up. If we believe, on Jesus' Own authority, that He Is Truth, we must be a people who love Truth. Love for Truth is manifested by our acting in Truth. By that measure, it doesn't seem the American Church loves Truth very much.

At least in the part of Christ's Body where I live, the American Church considers "culture war" its major priority. The Church eagerly carries the can for political partisans and their propaganda ("...winds of doctrine...trickery of men...craftiness in deceitful scheming...," as scripture puts it). Friends and relatives deem it Christian (!) service to daily forward "conservative" and "patriotic" e-mails, laced with "facts" that aren't true...and promise God's blessing to everyone who spreads the lies further !!

These "culture war" poisoners have no excuse, cannot plead that they were deceived. There are reliable websites that sort out the lies...for those who want to know the truth. is useful on e-mail propaganda, for example, and examines the "facts" in political speeches and ads. There are others. The Church should be deeply ashamed that secular society loves truth enough to create the tools to find it...and the Church doesn't love Truth enough to use them.

But the Church is guilty of a more shameful failure. Unlike secular society, Christians can avail themselves of the Spirit, Whom Jesus called "the Spirit of Truth." How can anyone following the Holy Spirit be deceived, even by the "trickery" and "deceitful scheming" of professional "culture war" spin-artists ? Jesus said the Spirit will lead us "into all truth:" the Church doesn't act as if that's where it wants to go.

The Church' problem is not inability to know Truth, or inability to sort out the lies. The "culture war" Church simply doesn't love Truth that much...not as much as it loves its "own way." We believe, and inform all our Christian friends, that a prominent Democrat quotes Karl Marx' approvingly: but not because we believe it's true. We don't actually care whether it's true or not: if we did, we would check the "fact." Our operative criteria is not truth at all, but what we want to believe. Truth or lie, if it suits our prejudices we pass it on, endorsing it to all our Christian friends.

We don't care about the truth of an e-mail that says the A.C.L.U. is campaigning to remove all cross-shaped headstones from military cemeteries. We want to believe that the A.C.L.U. is against everything decent people (ourselves, for example) stand for, against our faith, against patriotism. Our identity in Christ requires that we love and obey Truth: but we'd prefer to be a "cultural warrior" and (as this e-mail was signed) "A Proud American." On the authority of an anonymous e-mail, we are ready to believe and act on a lie...even to spread it throughout the Body of Christ...when it flatters the corrupt self-image which we prefer to being part of Jesus.

Church, REPENT ! You offend the One Who Is Truth. But He has promised to show mercy if we bitterly repent our wicked ways. Let us return wholeheartedly to our First Love, follow Him, and turn away from following lies.