Saturday, June 08, 2024

Thinking Like Jesus

"...our goal should be to act like Jesus. The primary reason people do not act like Jesus is because they do not think like Jesus. Behavior stems from what we think – our attitudes, beliefs, values and opinions."

--  Barna's 2003 study concluded that only 4% of American adults base their decisions on a "biblical worldview."


These twenty years later, Barna and other pollsters find that 75-80% of self-described "Evangelicals" unswervingly follow a politician whose manifest character is lies and violent contempt for others (Jesus' definition of "murder" in Matthew 5:21-22).

Jesus told some His followers they were "children of the devil," loving lies and "murder" (John 8:44).

Do today's proudly self-proclaimed "Evangelicals" think like Jesus ?  Obviously not.

Thursday, June 06, 2024


"Blasphemy" is a word we hear thrown around a lot: usually with only a sketchy idea of its meaning.

 Here's a good basic definition: blasphemy is "...insulting, or showing contempt or lack of reverence, for God."

If our God, I AM, is Creator of all things, Life itself, ABSOLUTE in all His Being and ways, our reverence toward Him must be circumspect, fearful, humility.  Our "every careless word" will be required of us in the day of judgement (Matthew 12:36), and doubtless none moreso than those which demean God's Being, His works and His ways.

Is any word more irreverent of God than making Him subservient to man's thoughts and man's ways, which He has explicitly told us are not HIS (Isaiah 55:8) ?  Were God's thoughts and ways, for example, embodied in the Nazi gospel of "National Socialist Christianity," which Bonhoeffer so fiercely opposed ?

Can there be an irreverence more insulting to the King of Creation than making Him "spiritual" adjunct of man's nationalism; and tribal "god," indeed, of a nation's most evil "patriotic" faction ?

What then should we say of the "gospel" of America's current "Conservative Christian" faction ?


God, we praise You that You deal with blasphemers according to Your righeous judgement.